Bunny Tools 3.0 - Bugs, Ideas, Feature Requests, Comments

Progress Report (Bunny Maps and Landmarks Editor):

1. We have completed the * tool which exports all your Landmarks (aka "flags") from your *.xml file(s) into an editable spreadsheet.  If you want a copy ... send FF a PM and we will send it to you via Rocket Chat.

2.  With this tool, you can edit your flags and correct spelling, reorder, group your Landmarks with regard to .

-REGION - such as Burning Desert
-NPC TYPE - such as Citizen, Tribe
-AFFILIATION - such as Nation, Tribe Name
-TITLE / FAME REQ'T - such as  Prospector, whether stationary or wandering and fame requirement
-NPC NAME - such as Miaera Antoldo
-Notes  - such as subregion (level)
-X Coordinate Position
-Y-Coordinate Position

Mission Mats
-REGION - such as Burning Desert
-MAT CATEGORY - such as Food
-MAT NAME - such as Bitter Aromatic Plant
-SEASONAL AVAILABILITY - such as Spring, Summer, Autumns, Winter
-Notes  - such as subregion (level)
-X Coordinate Position
-Y Coordinate Position

Craft Mats
-REGION - such as Burning Desert
-MAT CATEGORY - such as Sap
-MAT NAME - such as Dante Sap
-GRADE - such as Basic, Fine, Choice, Excellent, Supreme
-SEASONAL AVAILABILITY - such as Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
-WEATHER - such as 84-100%
-TIME - - such as Day / Night
-Notes  - such as subregion (level)
-X Coordinate Position
-Y Coordinate Position

-REGION - such as Burning Desert
-TYPE - such as Spawn Point, Teleporter, Boss Spawn, Bandit Camp
-PLACE NAME - such as Dirty Dudes Camp
-Notes  - such as subregion (level)
-X Coordinate Position
-Y Coordinate Position

3.  A corresponding tool to export the edited data back to the *.xml file is in the works.

4.  Data Colelction is progressing slow at this point:

Scorched Corridor - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 95% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 90%
Dunes of Exile - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
Savage Dunes - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
Sawdust Mines - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
Outlaw Canyon - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
Oflaks Oasis - NPCs = 30% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats = 50%
Imperial Dunes - NPCs = 85% / Mission Mats = 0% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%

Void - NPCs = 99% / Mission Mats = 95% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 90%
All Other - NPCs = 30% / Mission Mats = 30% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%

GoC - NPCs = 90% / Mission Mats = 80% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 90%
All Other - NPCs = 30% / Mission Mats = 30% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%

Loria  - NPCs = 80% / Mission Mats = 25% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%
All Other - NPCs = 30% / Mission Mats = 30% / Places = 90% / Craft Mats  = 50%

1.  As with other Bunny Tools, the goal is to remove some of the drudgery.  You will have the opportunity to use our Database or your own as the data source.

2.   Basically, there's few things you can do with this tool that you can't already do a) in game, b) with BM / Silenda Maps or c) could do w/ Lopy's Landmarks Editor.   As the 1st two are no longer being updated, and the 3rd no longer works, this can serve to say:
  • I started the game just using Misc. for all may craft mats flags .  I used the same color for Basic, Fine Choice as I did w/ Exe .  To fix, I had to edit one flag at a time ... now I can do find and replace and fix all.
  • Ever go searching for an NPC you know you flagged but can't find with the search tool because you mispelled it ?
  • How about, you recorded NPC positions, but forgot to add title and tribe name.
The tool will allow you to make whole sale changes of this type.

3.  If you have been using Bunny Tools, you know not to come looking for spoilers.   When the Exe Resources Tool was created, it had a companion Supreme Tool which was naver released.  So yes, we have all the data to list which weather goes with which season, but we want to leave the fun of discovery in the game.   You can add that information if you want to your DB and flag, but the default Database provided will not contain this info.

4.  Samples of things  that will be added include:

a)  That wandering NPC that you are chasing around that you have 3 flags for ... This will have the other 6.  This fits into the "drudgery category".   The alternative is take  a mission from the guy when ya found him .... and then just look at ya map each day and "plant a  flag" wherever the in game blue mission flag moves to.

b)  Safe Spots - Frustrated traveling thru Loria 200 regions ?  In addition to the OPs and Tribe Camps, we can hide in, this will add any place where ya can go afk and feel safe like small ponds.

c)  One thing we are perplexed about is Boss / Named locations.  Those that know them, of course, don't want them on any maps ... of course many of them are already are.  Those that don 't know them, again of course, want them on there because they never get a shot at them since if someone doesn't do a cout run every 30 minutes, it's an unusual day.  Listening to feedback on that one.


2020-08-01 - Added Custom Zoom
2020-08-01 - TotalScrewup on board as OS Beta Tester


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