The right to be forgotten / The duty to maintain one's reputation

The question is, do we want Ryzom to be a simulator?
I think some people actually do. The real question is whether "we" includes a fair percentage of what's left of our player base.
The question is, where it starts to being a simulator...
- When time degrades the toon the same way it degrades the player
- When you have to spend more time balancing your fames (work) than doing missions that may affect them (fun)
- When it includes elements of RL that those who play games as a way to step away from their troubles are trying to take a vacation from
- When a toon has to grind as hard for meager rewards as the player has to grind for a meager paycheck

In short, it becomes a simulator when it gets just a little too real.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit sábado 8 junio 07:35:10 UTC

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