Change "Dead Pool" PVP back to faction PVP

Plunder enemies!! What!? ... and that in combination with forcible random assignment of non-pvp desiring player characters! <-- a sure fire way to so incense the victims as to make likely their leaving the game forever ... even if subscribed! .... I can not emphasize enough that that must affront the victim of such robbery. 8! Just imagine too the frustration and indignation of a not in pvp interested player, whose inventory be searched after an unporvoked not welcomed randomly assigned pvp combat, in itself an affront, who then also gets thus robbed of a specially crafted weapon, armor or what have you, the which had cost much effort and or dappers and or mats to finally obtain.

I can even imagine that even pvp enthusiasts would not appreciate such pillaging and that feuds very peraonally felt and perpetually revenged could ensue. PLundering.... no please. no plundering of players ever.. imho ... should such ever occur then only as punischable exploit.
Since the discussion is over here and nothing more comes, I try to summarize:
[list][...].[*]Plunder enemies, e.g. dapper, faction points, unsecured items, with plunder window so you can choose.[...]
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Last visit miércoles 5 junio 08:36:05 UTC

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