

Geez! You miss the point.
The question was is PvP Roleplay? I tried to answer, Yes, it can be, and proceded to give examples how it could be.
I did allude to situations in real life, yes, that was to help see what I do not like about the thinking of how it is ok to go around Ganking others just for the sake of it. I don't see how someone can call that style of play Roleplay, and why I don't. I just don't see the fun in that and it would make the game unenjoyable.
To clarify, are marauders criminals? No, I do not thinks so, but I also think you have to use your brain a bit more to define your role as not criminals, but to have a cause, or reason to kill EVERYONE on atys. You haven't made your case except to just say: "We are marauders!"
I don't see the reason for a person thinking that they can just go around killing everyone for the fun of it? Even if it is a game. If that is the kind of game certain people like, then maybe they need to go find a 100% PvP game if they can't live with the way things are. This game currently needs the forced balance of allowing peaceful players to play their game.
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Last visit viernes 7 junio 16:15:45 UTC

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