Respawn Point At GoC: Make it a reality:

If by highlighting the inconsistencies and by employing solid argumentation and counter-examples is not welcomed here; or is only met by "The rangers x" then I do not even want to argue anymore.

Inconsistencies you say. Well then let's just take every respawn point one by one. I numbered them and there's exactly 3 cases in which there is a respawn point.

1) Portals to other ecosystems got a respawn point too.
2) Higher Powers put respawn points at the cities in "their" land for their followers, and also for neutrals in capital cities (Desert and Jungle -> Kami respawns at Kami teleports in cities, Forest and Lakes -> Kara respawns at Kara teleports in cities)
3) Higher Powers put respawn points in the capitals of the other lands too, for their followers.

Respawn points missing on the map are the one in Almati and the one Kitin's Lair, both situated at a portal to the other ecosystem (so case 1)

If you want the respawn point at GoC for convenience, fine. I don't really care, it doesn't hurt me to have a respawn point there. But i just don't like "false" arguments.

PS: If we get a respawn point at GoC, we should get one on Silan side of Tunnel too, for "convention".


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Last visit miércoles 12 junio 01:37:21 UTC

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