
A lengthy consideration on Ryzom's status as a PVPer

While I originally did not want to jump into the debate once more, my impression was not that Placio wanted to refute your arguments or to devaluate your proposals. He just found the naming funny, to my impression, and it was, indeed. It did, of course, show exactly what your proposal meant.

They were intended to be funny ... and that would be the end of it except for the fact in previous posts the positions were misrepresented and the misrepresentation, rather than the actual proposals, argued against.  Same pattern.
There, also, many PvE players left when PvP was introduced. Promises were reportedly made that there would be OPs to be won and maintained by PvE/RP means, but that was never realized. Btw., on Leanon, there were also player initiatives which granted OP mat access for guildless and non PvP players, especially the highly popular mobile traders' player event every week.

I don't remeber any "promises" of that type ... if that was accepted knowledge, I don't think we would have seen the mass exodus. The reported next phase was "towers" (search old forums for Jessica Mulligan) which would allow factions to control entire regions ... that was the death knell for server population ... "1st OPs and now this"

And yes, on Ari we maintained two "Community OPs" which were maintained exactly for that purpose. Mats were shared not only with guildless and PvE'ers but also all factions ... The OP we had for 8 years on Ari had always mainted an open share policy.
The players who left in the 2005-7s due to the introduction of PvP won't come back, even if PvP were completely abandoned.

Our very existence negates that statement. My presence negates that statement.  They have come back, they continue to come back.  I'm not saying they left in 2007 and are only now coming back in 2016, they left and came back in 2010, they came back in 2012. The left and came back in 2016.  Kami / Kara players, Guild Leaders and HOs came back who were PvP oriented before came back and joined our guild (and others) to get away from the drama.

On Ari, the players took it into their own hands and all worked to make the game experience pleasurable for all concerned.  Every player's choice was respected and those that chose not to honor those choices were dealt with by the player base.

Don't you think that it is quite significant that the Ranger faction is easily the fastest growing faction on the server.
And PvP practitioners are part of our community, so I consider it legitimate and important to address their desires. And as much as I welcome your proposals I do not see how they would improve the situation of PvP on Ryzom. When players are leaving because their expectations are not met, it is always a reason to consider improvements. So far, we read much about reasons discourageing PvP players, and some complaints seeming overblown to me, such as accusations that crafters and diggers wanted to expel PvPers. But still, the question how to improve PvP gameplay without damaging the rest, seems open to me.

First, that's another strawman being thrown up as an easy target.   PvP practioners are a valuable part of the community ... but so is **every** other player.  I have never suggested anything that would discourage a PvP player ... unless you consider PvE players having access to the same opportunities as PvP players to be discouraging ... a position, you must admit, many take.  I support any improvement on PvP as long as:

a) It's not to the detriment of other players.
b) Development time be shared among interests of the entire player base

What I object to is the development of PvP play to the exclusion of all else.

"Proposal - A lengthy Consideration of Fyros Status as a Fyros Toon:"

The following proposals should be implemented to make things better for the Fyros player:

<if it's not obvious, please put toungue in cheek now>

1.  Since we are "born of fire", we should be immune to fire spells
2.  Since water is scarce ... we should be able to drink Stimulating Water and double our abilities for an hour
3.  Because we have all those chasms, we should have the ability to leap over them.

What number do I get to before the other races have a legitimate beef ?

Since Fyros players do not pay a higher subscription fee, why should they receive benefits that other races don't have access to ?  Ryzom is unique in that there are no advantages to being of any race.  The same can not be said of PvE and PvP.  This talk about "difficulty" ... frankly I don't see it.  We already have a method of earning PvP points, so why not PvK points ?.  We have had kitin invasions since beta days.

So no, if PvP players want to have a wish list of 100 items, I have no issue with that at all (subject to above two qualifications)... but it seems when the rest of us have list of 2 ... there's a list of excuses from some PvP proponents as to why that should not be so,  even when .... no, better said, especially when, its something that they already have.

Not that like myself, there aren't PvP players who are also fine with PvE players getting their fair share... and I think thay are in the majority, just less active on the forums


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