[Ryzom Forge] Reunión en el juego sobre Ryzom en Steam - 23 de noviembre a ...

2 Graphic Group

Aileya : The Graphics Team is by now creating all necessary capsules (logos) to be used later on Ryzom's Steam page when it goes public. In fact this means about 5 different kinds of capsules, depending where it needs to be shown. They are already more or less finished, but still need a little more improvements. After that, the best will be choosen to be used by the entire Ryzom Team. From these capsules their might be also one or two wallpapers coming out, which can be downloaded and used for sure by everyone.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
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Last visit sábado 8 junio 08:29:37 UTC

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