
Dead Doll Creations

Marichia sulked. She was not happy. Her fingers were covered in glue and she had broken another nail.  She threw the amp into the corner and exclaimed: 'Why are we gluing feathers onto them, again! It is a complete waste of time, they won't make the blind bit of difference as to their stats!'
     Lacuna replied, 'Nerwane's idea. And it's good one.  Males like shiny things, so we stick on some glitter and feathers and then we can charge over twice the price of a basic quality amp!'
     Marichia looked unconvinced.
     'Trust me.'
     'If this doesn't work you're both on cooking duty for the next month!'
     Lacuna and Nerwane both thought better of mentioning that by unspoken consent that Marichia and Spettra were banned from ever entering the GH kitchen again.  People were asking what had happened to Bones, and it was too embarassing to answer, death by lasagne. 
      'Look. I am telling you, when we're finished I can get easily get twice as much for these from Beeficus.  And when the feathers fall off, we will have his dappers, and there isn't anything he can do but cry. And I can paint the degrades, and then we sell them to Suboxide. We just tell him they are boosted cheng.  It's not like he is ever sober enough to work out he has been conned.  Plus I bribed Shammi with a pike, so she will back me up when I tell him they are geniune!'
      'But it will take forever!  We've been at it for hours and only gotten 10 done, and there are at least 80 still to go!'

High Quality supreme zun amplifiers. Feathers make them better, honest!

Contact Lacuna, Marichia, Nerwane for price.


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