
Why do Roleplayers meet with hostility on Ryzom?

Gidget (atys)
I do have a few words that I think fit those that I called "hardcore" here better, but we're not allowed to use those words on these forums ;)

The trouble with being a monoglot stuck with a non-expressive language...

Hehe. :-)

Well, "fanatical roleplayers" or "griefer roleplayers" might capture the spirit best and not insinuate that all RP by definition is the same (namely irresponsibly aggressive in Ryzom or - something I also see a lot in today's MMOs - unnecessarily dramatic).

English can be very expressive and playful, btw. Recommened readings: books by Jack Vance. ;-)


Doc Crick - Free heals on the quick. ;-)
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