
New zone landscape modeling

Laofa (atys)
Lors de la réunion, je note la proposition de Kaetemi de créer des ligos, voir des cartes, pour un prix relativement modique (vu le temps que ça demande). Kaetemi est l'une des rares personnes à maitriser le pipeline graphique et avoir à la fois les outils, le matériel et les compétences pour arriver à faire quelque chose de bien. Sa proposition me semble vraiment très intéressante. J'imagine que le propriétaire de Ryzom devrait pouvoir débloquer un petit budget pour ça, pour le prix d'une carte graphique ou d'une console de jeu (derniers prix des concours) tous les joueurs gagneraient une petite île inédite... Et si la collaboration se passe bien, on pourrait ainsi envisager un crowfunding pour la carte de la région "new zone".

Yep, my offer still stands. Special cheap price for Ryzom CC BY SA only. It would be nice if an official crowdfunding could be organized.
Ligo blocks are 160x160 meters.
Unique landmark landscape block at 40 EUR.
Landscape block with buildings around 120 EUR depending on complexity.
Placement of trees and ambient sound plus data build and debug etcetera at 5 EUR per block (that counts for the total of the continent/island, including reusable blocks).

So for example, Silan island (which is actually pretty damn large) has a total of 116 blocks; of which 1 landmark for the kitin lair, 2 landmark for the tunnel, 9 landmark for lake, 10 landmark for goo zone, 1 landmark for arena, 4 with buildings for ruins, and 1 with buildings for start village; which makes for a total of 28 landmark blocks, 5 village blocks; so a total of 1120 EUR for the unique landmark landscape, plus 600 EUR for the villages; plus 580 EUR for the placement of flora and ambient sound etc.

For comparison, the old fyros newbieland has a total of 128 blocks; of which 0 landmark and 5 village, so that would be just 600 EUR + 640 EUR.

Fyros mainland is real crazy at about 480 all uniquely created landscape blocks plus the large Pyr city and the 2 villages... Very expensive. Matis mainland uses mostly generic reusable blocks and a number of landsmarks, similar to how Silan is constructed. PR regions also mostly reusable, except for Kitin Lair which is fully unique (and very nice) landmark blocks again.

And also for comparison, a Ryzom Ring island is on average about 10 blocks, no unique landmarks, no villages, so really boring and just 50 EUR for a generic island. (So that would be like just 170 EUR for a very small island with a very small village or a few landmarks, etc)


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Last visit domingo 16 junio 14:10:21 UTC

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