Gambit: accepted. A new rise

#2 – Makan

Makan macFay tied the letter to Eolas’ leg and let it fly. He looked as the light-bird moved away until it disappeared on the horizon.



I’m contacting you because I don’t know to whom to turn anymore. The Black Dragons Clan (T.N.: Bai Nhori Drakani) is the closest to Macfay clan and I want to break the news to you about some worries regarding a common friend. Ny-San isn’t feeling good and I’m really worried about her. Since the tragic event taken upon our clan by the “Clan des Forces Obscures” and the “Clan de la Sève Noire”, Swan is suffering from nightmares, anxieties, and a slight paranoia. It happened that she left panic-stricken in the middle of the night, with armor and weapons, while there was visibly nothing to trouble the night’s silence.

She’s often murmuring the name of Anonyma’s torturer in a whisper, with no reason, and she becomes fierce when we question her about it. She’s isolating herself a lot and she’s becoming strange. I’m also worrying about ny-Anonyma, who seems to be noticing it despite her state.

I’ve got also to mention something about this one. She seems to be still enclosed in her cocoon and it’s very hard for us to communicate with her and reach her. However, since Skaya (Swan’s light-bird) became infatuated with Anonyma, this one looks more serene and less tormented. The small flying doesn’t leave her anymore and it stays by her side as a guardian spirit. Swan is the one who was taking care of her, but we’d like to transfer our sister by the Drakani for a better protection. I’m neither a mage nor a warrior, and a good number of MacFay have disappeared for quite a long time now. I’m feeling atrociously sad at the idea of not having her near me anymore, but her health and security are at stake.

I don’t want to jeopardize Swan’s position as a Taliar, that’s why I’d like for this letter to remain confidential. I don’t know how to speak about it anymore, I’m asking for your help. She trusts you, and she may open to you.

Makan macFay
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Last visit sábado 1 junio 09:21:51 UTC

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