
Let's talk about Goo (OOC/HRP)

So as a conclusion I really don't understand why anyone could think that homins and Kamis HAVE to weave the same kind of magic in the same way? There is no logic in that, sorry.

Wow. I'm sure that Lore say Kami learn magic to homin. In french, so maybe in other too, no ?
Les prédicateurs ont, dans le passé, enseigné la magie aux homins qui les aidaient à préserver leur habitat. Ils restent leurs interlocuteurs privilégiés.

And for me, if they learn that, they can use it. Parralel with trainer is good : "Trainers can teach athletes how acrobatic moves" in general, trainer are old athletes... they can make movement in youth.

It's fact in aniro that kami and homin use same kind of magic. I think it was little spoil, one day, but everybody in aniro says it's the same... Can we re-write this ?

Parralel with dust or nuclear waste is maybe modern, but good... just for that : we can "clean" without "destroy". Kami are very strong, but goo is the only weakness : they don't act in them, it destroy them. Homin are protected, a little : so kami use homin for that.

History of goo is connected to story of all atys, in particulary secrets of kami and karavan. So, we can gather element for anim team, but they have secret lore with more info and ultimately they're only to can say "this is possible way to destroy goo". In aniro, three way attested by anim in event : natural fire, tryker's box, and magic of Marung Horongi.


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