Ryzom News - December 2012

I don't think it's that easy. Very likely they've linked the double xp to the database flag that stores if you're on a paid account or not. If you want to give players a choice, you'd need a _new_ database flag that says double xp or not. You also need to think about whether that flag has to be linked to one account, or whether there has to be one flag for each character in an account.

Then you have to add some kind of gui element for players (or for characters) to switch than on and off.

It's not something one can do in an hour. Since it has popped up in quite a few threads, I would think that the team has noticed. Imho, fixing the bugs and adding more to gameplay is more important than this request - but that is highly subjective, of course.
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Last visit viernes 7 junio 19:40:03 UTC

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