
#1 [en] 

The Arispotle Events Team invites everyone to attend a short informational session on Sunday, 26 June at 20:00 UTC at the Agora in Pyr. Immediately after, the Events Team will be available to answer general questions about Ryzom events.

Sunday, 26 June 2011 20:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago)

Last edited by Jaliun (1 decade ago)


SEM Arispotle

#2 [en] 

so i'll be able to ask how to get the armor the event team member was wearing last event :p


#3 [en] 

The next Events Team informational session will be on Saturday, 24 September at 20:00 UTC at the Temple Hall Square in Zora.

Saturday, 24 September 2011 20:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago)

Last edited by Jaliun (1 decade ago)


SEM Arispotle

#4 [en] 

Bah, I accidently missed this...could anyone who was there please share what was done/said? Thank you.

#5 [en] 

Missed it too ...

#6 [en] 

Bah, am I going to have to be the one to summarize it again? People will start to think I'm an official or something.

The first part was the Event Team asking the player for feedback on the recent Marauder events. In the second part they answered some questions from players. To summarize the answers I remember being given:
  • The desert caravan that nobody saw took the route through Abyss, KoD and Hidden Source and had it's destination in Sawdust Mines. The EM controlling the caravan leader only saw 4 blue dots during the march.
  • The Matis event chain was an official event chain held on all servers, but on Arispotle it took much longer to wrap up than the Event Team had planned or desired.
  • (continued on next post)

#7 [en] 

  • The collection of items for the rebuilding of Thesos (this one here) suffered from EMs not being able to be online enough to make collections. The Event Team apologises for this and a new tool has been implemented to prevent this in the future (it is currently being tested inthis event).
  • Only official events can affect the nation's leaders and armies. The Event Team is happy to support player events as long as it doesn't require involving those things.
Those were the answers I remember given.

#8 [en] 

To help those present and future, could we have the list of requirements and restrictions from Winch Gate -- or whoever, if previous directives are still active -- for the Events Team posted somewhere? This would include the role of the Events Team, and should answer questions similar to, "Is the Events Team supposed to run only official events and stay hands-off with player events beyond a pat on the back, or should the Events Team play a mostly supportive role and guide player-run events to keep them aligned to the storyline and goals of Winch Gate?" and so on.

I imagine that such a post should also include the Events Team hierarchy, with a trail of names ultimately leading back to Winch Gate themselves. Since we're primarily concerned with Arispotle here, it wouldn't be necessary to keep the list current with Events Team members listings from Aniro or Leanon, unless any of those players play a supervisory role to our own Events Team.

Such a post could answer many questions before they are even asked.
Last visit Sunday, 9 June 17:04:56 UTC

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