
#1 [en] 


First off I know theres many methods of foraging! But I'd like to propose a cycle forage target. There are many reasons why this should be added.

Nottably herbivores sitting atop your nodes, making it difficult to target.
This provides additional negativity to foraging if you take off range and seek highest resource content nodes.

Even when animals do not sit on the nodes, certain forage techniques are hindered. It seems the current system favours the kill dig method who do no care about source content.

Alas those people leveling do prefer high source content nodes and are forced too adopt the favoured method. Whilst leveling this gives the worst possible experience gain per hour.

Please allow resource targeting and cycling ALT+SHIFT +SPACE possible.

You could also maybe use this with enemy cycling too, it will severly help miss targeting in groups where nearest enemy wont target the mob you need.

#2 [en] 

All forage nodes are prefixed with [player] name. You should be able to use that in /target command



#3 [en] 

your thinking of careplanners

All forage nodes are prefixed with [player] name. You should be able to use that in /target command

#4 [en] 

your thinking of careplanners
Careplanner should use targets-target command available in macros.



#5 [en] 

The limitation of /target is that is goes to the closest item that fulfills the conditions.If I prospect with no range, and I pop a half-circle of nodes in front of me... then an arana comes and sits on that... it gets difficult to select the nodes with the highest number of materials. Simply using /target will give me the closest node, which may contain only 10 or 12 materials. I would have to shift my position veeeeery slightly and carefully, to get a different node with /target.At least that's my understanding regarding N.J.'s problem, they want a method to front-target nodes like they would for mobs, allowing them to inspect the contents of the group before starting to dig.


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#6 [en] 

Yes this is exactly the issue
The limitation of /target is that is goes to the closest item that fulfills the conditions.If I prospect with no range, and I pop a half-circle of nodes in front of me... then an arana comes and sits on that... it gets difficult to select the nodes with the highest number of materials. Simply using /target will give me the closest node, which may contain only 10 or 12 materials. I would have to shift my position veeeeery slightly and carefully, to get a different node with /target.At least that's my understanding regarding N.J.'s problem, they want a method to front-target nodes like they would for mobs, allowing them to inspect the contents of the group before starting to dig.
Last visit Friday, 7 June 07:09:51 UTC

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