
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Français

Anlor Winn 2018 (oct 31-nov 16)

The wind is blowing.
The wind gets stronger.
The wind roars and makes homins tremble in their shelters.
Go hide yourselves away, you fools, because the Ill Wind is coming. And who knows what it brings under its wings of misfortune?
Listen to the cursed laughter of the Anlor Winn. Mouah hah hah hah....

"The Perilous Maze" (Main Land)

Event location: Matis Arena
: Dappers to buy lives (1 for 5 kÐ, 2 for 9 kÐ, 3 for 14 kÐ)
Aim of the game
: Find the safe way through the maze to win the jackpot!

  • Talk to Pigno Niri to buy lives (3 at most). The dappers you give to buy your lives are added to the Jackpot (which begins at 1 MÐ each time).
  • Start the game if no other player is currently playing. You are teleported into the maze.
  • Try to reach the other side to open the chest and get the jackpot and a title. You will then level up and be able to carry on with next level. The jackpot amount will be reset to 1 MÐ.

The maze offers only one secure path, all other paths are random traps!
If you run under invulnerability through the maze, you'll be ported back to the entry of the maze and told that "This is not the right way of doing it!"
If you remain static while playing in the labyrinth, your character will be teleported after a while to open the maze to the next player.

Kill the Pumpkins” (Silan and Main Land):

Game Rules:
Mysterious burning objects are washing over Atys and creating strange light sources that move on the Bark. Hurry to trample them before they set fire to the fur of a yubo!
But don't cry victory too soon since the impish lights, once extinguished, can:
- disappear in a small puff of smoke and turn into pumpkins, which you'll have to catch before they escape;
- explode and turn into pumpkins, which you'll have to then frighten to death;
- turn into pumpkins, which you'll have to then chase to eat a piece of them.
Trample and make disappear as many pumpkins as possible! Be brave, fear may not be on your side!

Choice tokens to try to win an "Anlor Winn" reward at the Wheel of Fortune, each one being won after a random number of killed pumpkins.

"Yubo zombies" (Main Land):

Game Rules:
Anlor Winn cast a spell on some friendly animals. They've turned into zombies and will attack you. If you're bitten, you'll turn into a zombie also! (You'll get a "Zombie" title, without any change on your character.)

Choice tokens to try to win an "Anlor Winn" reward at the Wheel of Fortune.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Riasan (6 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français] | English

La roue de la Fortune pendant Anlor Winn

Pendant les events d’Anlor Winn, il est possible de gagner des jetons spéciaux, appelés « jetons Anlor », avec les jetons de choix.
Ces jetons Anlor seront utilisables tout le temps et fonctionnent différemment des autres.

Les jetons Anlor

Ils présentent deux différences par rapport aux jetons normaux :
  • Si on les utilise, il n’est possible de faire tourner la roue qu’une seule fois.
  • Plus on joue de jetons, moins on a de chances de gagner. Avec 1 jeton, on a 50 % de chance, avec 5 jetons, on en a 10 %.L’intérêt de jouer plusieurs jetons tient dans la façon dont les gains sont distribués. Un compteur spécial représente le nombre de fois où l’on a perdu. C’est la « Peur d’être un perdant ». Lorsque l’on gagne, la valeur du lot dépend de la valeur de ce compteur. Ainsi, plus on a perdu souvent, et plus on gagne gros.

Les gains

Plus précisément, à chaque fois que l’on perd, la Peur d’être un perdant augmente de 1 %. Le maximum est 100 %. À 100 % le gain devient automatique.Lorsque l’on gagne, les objets gagnés dépendent du compteur de Peur, selon ce barème :
• moins de 25 % : des objets classiques comme les feux d’artifices, des matières premières génériques, etc.
• 25-75 % : des objets d’appartement.
• au dessus de 75 % : les nouveaux objets.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español


Event location: Nexus and Almati, then capitals.
Event dates: Nov. 6th to the end of Anlor Winn.

Type of event: OOC event mixing Anlor Winn and 2600 JA festivities, with a treasure hunt, a mini-boss attack and invasions inside the capitals.

Yubo zombies have stolen the light of the giant  "2600" created on the ground of Almati to celebrate 2600 JA. Homins have to find and kill all of these yubo zombies, scattered in Nexus, to make the 2600 light again.
However, when it's finished and the 2600 is lit again, the yubo zombies will succeed in escaping and will start to fight with the homins in Almati, lead by a Yubo zombie boss. During the following days, they will regularly come and invade one of the four capitals or the ranger camp…

Rewards: Choice tokens.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)

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