Technical Support


#1 [en] 

They do not except help at all even after many trips. I've tested this in Zora Pyr and Fairhaven so I imagine its system wide. Thanks for what you do you awesome CSR's:)

#2 [en] 

Are you talking about the message something like "we do not need 'stuff'"???


Do you have to ask them twice to teleport or sell stuff?


I don't have anything interesting to say anything here

Just move along....

#3 [en] 

Time takes time. :)


The Clan

#4 [en] 

Math time!

One trip lowers their stock by about 5 products. Their stock is allowed to slightly overflow when people give products. Their maximum is 3000, however in the worst case scenario someone comes when they're at 2999, gives the max amount (36), and therefore now NH sits at 3035.

In that scenario, you will need 7 trips to lower the stock back to 3000, and you are still unable to give anything. Only the 8th trip will lower their stock to a point where they can accept stuffs.

Even then, you must consider the very unfortunate scenario that you and other people are working to lower stocks in different cities, and the other person is the lucky one to find out first that the stock is below 3000. They now give their stuff, and bring the stock back to 3000+.

However, if you have trouble giving your stuff several days in a row, after 8 transport sessions .. then yes it could be bugged. Raise a ticket :)


#5 [en] 

I tryed over ten times at zora and it didn't work
I'm thinking its a bug

#6 [en] 

another person might have unintentionally filled the space you had opened up :(

#7 [en] 

Its all good I think its fixed now:)

#8 [en] 

I was told this is a good way to make money, but if indeed it's saturated because the reduction is so small, plus with the very small population these days even moving around...

Don't you have to pay the 3k to tp to reduce it? Or does this become free when your fame is maxed?

How can people intentionally drop it without costing a lot of dappers?


#9 [en] 

Even if you do not get a free ride (which is around 35 fame if i remember) it is still economical. A ride uses 5 products, and the max over the capacity we could expect is 17, so 4 trips sould open up the space for you to donate, so 12,000 dappers to make 180,000- still a good deal, unless someone else fills the space you made :P

You can also try The Apprentice Greedy Crafter if you want to craft and earn dappers! /appzone 1852

#10 [en] 

Thanks Placio free ride possible later is a great thing to know!
Also doing the missions for craft already , opting not to use app (just to make it more immersive)


#11 [en] 


As for the "maxed" nation's fame, when it will reach 100 you will get 10 000 dappers per product "gifted" for help to the NH transporter of the said nation.
As for making money, your "gifts" are also rewarded by nation's points (which you can spend to get special items from the national merchant) since you become a nation's citizen (i.e. when you pass the national rite, that you are able to do when your nation's fame reaches around 35*).

* My memory is as bad as Placio's :-)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (8 years ago)


#12 [en] 

In the beginning on an occupation the dappers paid are quite low. You may only get 1k for each product. I forget the exact amount.

1k * 18 products = 18k dappers - 12 k for NH trips = 6k profit.

Your fame does increase quickly. As your fame goes up your dappers go up. And as the others stated around fame 32 you don't pay for the trips any longer.

It takes about two weeks to get max fame with citizenship. So about a week to max out without citizenship.

Without citizenship you do not get max dappers.

Last edited by Nehrie (8 years ago)


The Clan

#13 [en] 

Placio, how did you arrive at a maximum of 18 over the maximum? If I practice the same occupation two days in a row and I have 36 xq10 products, I could hand them in all at once, so the stock would become 3035.

But even with 8 transport sessions.. you're losing 24k dappers. At low fame you get 3k dappers / product given, so overall you stand to make 108k even when you're sitting at negative fame. Substract 24k and you get a clean profit of 84k.


#14 [en] 

For each trip you take on the New Horizon Transport it accounts for five (5) products you turn in.

So if you take four (4) trips it accounts for twenty (20) products that can be turned in.

If you're turning in thirty-six (36) products you need to take eight (8) trips.

8 * 5 = 40 - 36 products = 4 left over

These four left over I always think of the little bit extra for the noob who doesn't know to turn in yet.

A guide to Occupations. Occupations Guide


The Clan

#15 [en] 

Yes MJ, that is somethign I thought was possible, but no one confirmed it. but in general it should be 17 :P and yes I forgot to doulbe the number of trips even though i used the dappers for 2 donations @ around 30 fame
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