
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 7th of december 2015, 20:30 UTC

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge 

1 Ryzom on Steam
1.1 Dev Group
1.2 Translation Group
1.3 Communication & Marketing Group

2 New Encyclopedia
2.1 Lore Group
2.2 Level Design Group
2.3 Ark
2.4 Dev

3 Missions in preparation
3.1 Level Design

4 Kaetemi's graphic tool
4.1 Dev
4.2 Graphic

5 Events
5.1 Atysmas events
5.2 Nation sequences

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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1 Ryzom on Steam

1.1 Dev Group

Changes done since 23 of november in Ryzom Core:
- Complete suppression of Yubo chat.
- Fix of crash within OpenGL driver (patch by Kishan)
- Fix of weather diffireces among all the OS (patch by Kaetemi)
- Temporary disabling of CFixedSizeAllocator which made crash the client (must be corrected)
- Fix of the icon in Linux dock (for steam)
- Adding of RC files for DLLs and client under Windows to get exact version number.
- Update of translations.
- Improving configuration detection with CMake.
- Suppress of revision.h generation to avoid having to recompile client each time.
- Using of CMake timestamp instead of system commands.
- Fix of mesh_export compilation under Linux.
- Fix of client compilation under Debian Squeeze.
- Dispaly of virtual reality page only if compiled with Occulus Rift SDK.
- Several ergonomic improvement of configuration pages.
- Adding of anisotrop filtering among options (graphics => special effects, just above Bloom)
- Implement of new HTML tags (H1, H2, ...) (by Nimetu)
- Implement of links with anchor (by Nimetu)
- Style for <del> <u> <em> <strong> <small> and <dl> tags (by Nimetu)
- Compiling of crash_report, message_box_qt et words_dic_qt with Qt 5

In progress/to do:
- Compilation of windows client under Linux (automatic process)
- Finalization of Ryzom configuration (MFC and Qt5 versions).
- Suppress of too verbose messages in logs.
- Final fix of the crash with those CFixedSizeAllocator.
- Implenting launching of apps from OS X client
- Updating of game data and fixing textures' bugs (by Kaetemi).
- Updating game credits ( + adding the contributors ).
- New manuals.
- New FAQ.
- Fix crash after reselecting a toon.
- Bad mapping of keys for shortcuts under OS X.
- Recreate NSIS package for windows official client and upload it on SourceForge.
- Create PKG package of OS X and upload on SourceForge.
- Update linux client on sourceforge.
- Fix the bug of univers channel that does'nt close.
- Put a new SSL certificate on RSYNC (Ulukyn).
- Recompile server with weather code (Ulukyn).
- Regenerate .packed_sheets.
-Improve graphic of downloading page of beta client.

Q: Is it possible to have the complet list of changes regarding html, list of tags and new attributes implemented? Or at least a link where we could keep informed.
A: Changelog:
Detailed version: y-develop

List of changes in the ingame browser:

1.2 Translation Group
Gaueko: We are working nice and fast. With the new help we have we think we will be able to make both checks before Steam.

Q: both checks?
A: Yes. As I said previously, we will make two checks. First one is just to check grammar and spelling mistakes (or translation ones if they are needed). And after that we will make a second check to fix the Lore mistakes. Or any other thing we find that is not related with grammar or spelling. We thought in this two checks since we thought it was better to have the first check done before Steam, and focus on the rest after that. But we want to make the Steam release bit later (still not decided) to have more time, not only Translators, every one. But Translation Team is working very good, so maybe we have time for both.

Q: "We want to make the Steam release bit later (still not decided)": if not decided, later than what then? 
A: We have lot to do, so we need it; we need more time for sure. What is not decided is how much more yet. First idea was to release this month, but there is still much more to do. And even if the translations are going pretty good, we were given one month the first time. But that is not posible with all the amount of files we have to check.

1.3 Communication & Marketing Group

The work is still in progress on Steam Ryzom page, to add description of the game, representative screenshots (so not edited, with and without interface), and to select videos.

Q: So i guess guides are part of that work? 
A: I am not sure. I think they are. But Tamarea is working on this, so I will ask her.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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2 Nouvelle Encyclopédie

2.1 Groupe Lore
Le groupe Lore suit de près le travail sur les rites, pour valider au fur et à mesure les ajouts et modifications.

2.2 Groupe Level Design
Le groupe Level Design va travailler différemment à partir de maintenant, pour gagner en efficacité et donc en rapidité. Le système actuel s'avère en effet contre-productif. Le groupe se contentera donc d'écrire les scénarios, les positions et noms des objets et PNJ et les dialogues, sans créer lui-même les schémas de scriptage, qui relèvent davantage du groupe Ark.

2.3 Groupe Ark
Le groupe Ark a repris son travail de scriptage du rite matis 50. Mais cela est difficile en raison de la répartition actuelle du travail (le groupe Level Design était jusque-là chargé de préparer les schémas de scriptage, et ceux-ci ne correspondent pas aux réalités techniques... donc le groupe Ark doit tout refaire pour le penser différemment). Ce problème devrait être résolu pour les rites suivants, puisque à partir de maintenant, le groupe Ark travaillera sur les scénarios et dialogues "bruts", étant libres de coder le rite à leur guise, en respectant évidemment au maximum le scénario.
Ptitbill: Le gain de temps avec cette nouvelle façon de travailler devrait être de l'ordre de 40% de moins par rite / mission / métier.

2.4 Groupe Dev
Le groupe Dev continue à créer les modules Ark manquants pour les rites, suite aux demandes des Arkitectes.

Q : Est-ce que Ulukyn continue de travailler principalement sur Ark ?
R : Oui, la tâche principale d'Ulukyn est de travailler sur Ark.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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3 Missions in preparation

3.1 Level Design Group

Ptitbill: I have for now 3 super authors that prepares new stuff. Those new missions should, with the new workflow, be in game earlier. Those addons will be missions and occupations you are not used to do, we want to surprise you and not to make clones for existing missions/occupations. Regarding Encyclopedia, the matis 50 rite in ongoing, will come next the geographical zorai 50 and a tryker which will be ... geographical 100. Before going further in the writing, I wait to see the result of the first, the matis. The new workflow should allow me to hold my schedule, which is 1 rite per month. But, writing new stuff, despite being not difficult, needs time. And to get this time we are lacking, the more we will be, the more new stuff will appear in game. So I ask, as each week, if new authors are willing to join ( I would need, if possible, a person that dive in forums to get ideas posted by players. Some are really interesting but now in the depths of the topics. The new simplified workflow will be soon available. Any person that wish to help and bring a new spirit in Ryzom can contact me ( I remind we want to make new stuff and not copies of existing ones.

Gaueko: I usually do that Ptitbill (dive in the topics) for other Team reason, so I can try to do focus on this too. Of course, any help will be welcomed.
Siela: For now i'm still busy but I'll be able to dive in forums.
Ptitbill: Thanks Siela, all help is welcome, I'll put a PAD online to gather those ideas:


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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4 Kaetemi's graphic tool

Nothing new this week. 

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#6 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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5 Events

5.1 Atysmas events
As Dev, Ark and Translations Teams are very busy with Ryzom on Steam and New Encyclopedia, Event Team will try not to ask them too many things for Atysmas events this year.

5.2 Nation sequences
Preparing work is still ongoing, but we cannot say more to keep the surprise !

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit Wednesday, 5 June 10:07:54 UTC

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