
#16 [en] 

afaik node kill features in xp formula on it's own. Switching to next node manually is also faster than killing it with HHH. Also not getting how can you dig faster. Yes, if person digging full timer had it set so that they dig x.y mats where y was some number larger than 5 or so. Furthermore, you can't control exact time of "killing blow" whereas if you set timer right you control amount quite precisely. And lastly, no matter how close that second spot is repositioning takes time, particulary with CP alt, since we know how much server likes "The area has been depleted" message :) There are probably periods in QL/rate level combination where your method trumps but in the long run I'd say it loses out.

Leaving academics aside, idea would be something that passed as new content and if nothing else something to spend at least small amount of all those unused SPs on. There's obviously "attractor" mechanics for mobs already there or they wouldn't flock around diggers so instead of implementing repelant we could maybe have skill and consumable to lure them away.

"ll have my nose up armas and kipees lvl150ish so I need two types of food of appropriate quality plus 'Enchant lure' at least level 3." sort of thing.

#17 [en] 

It's a completely different style of digging. If you want to watch TV, have your alt cp your nodes and don't worry much about time then it's definitely not your style. If you are digging grind mats above ground the only advantage is saving a lil time. If you dig excellent in dangerous places or go to pr, you'll hate loosing 20 precious mats because the node didn't die before you did.

Node kill features into xp calculation, but you still get lots more exp using node kills.

If you switch to next node manually before killing last one you'll loose all mats and xp.

Generally you don't need to use HHH to kill nodes, most of them die by themselves if you got your actions properly set up. It's rather an emergency measure if focus is running out and the source doesn't die using regular dig actions.

And Kalean, you are right of course :-)

#18 [en] 

If mats/min is the definitive metric, then only rate and speed matter so long as your pick is swinging. Recent comments all boil down to debate about the best technique to minimize time spent not swinging... right?

I don't see much relevance in thinking about the mats/node or nodes/prospect metrics that are often bandied about.

Last edited by Jola (1 decade ago)

#19 [en] 

I like the idea of using a bait to lure creatures. For example a bundle of straw that you could place on the ground to attract annoying herbivores away from you. Or a piece of meat that you can use to attract carnivores away from your digging spot. Baits of better quality would have more efficiency.

Making baits could be a new occupation, based on florist / butcher's produces.
And baits might be usefull not only for diggers, but also for hunters, explorers etc.


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#20 [en] 

Actually, the bait sounds cooler than the bang to me, as well. And the idea of using the straw is clever since it would now serve other uses. The occupation of creating bait is great and would give a product which is not directly related to HP/Sap/Stamina/Focus, which I think would be good for mixing up and adding variety. However I couldnt help but giggle at the title "Master Baiter' and come see this as possibly being popular.

#21 [en] 


Nice idea :)

#22 [en] 

Used to be able to spacebar target nodes with pick equipped but the botters killed that :(.


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