

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Hello, just downloaded the game, messing around on the starter island.

My question at this point is, given the style of the game, I'd like to RP. To do so, I need to create a character I'd like to be for a while, but to do so I need some info.

How are the populations of the various races and factions? Even distribution?
Is it pretty quick to get a character to higher "levels" in the skills I'd like to use?
Is there somewhere I could read up on the current state of the game RP wise?

Thanks for your time, and look forward to hearing from you all, and seeing you in game!

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Hello, just downloaded the game, messing around on the starter island.
My question at this point is, given the style of the game, I'd like to RP. To do so, I need to create a character I'd like to be for a while, but to do so I need some info.
Sure! Look around in the Atys Wiki which has all the background information out there or ask some people you meet directly or see in the universe chat.
How are the populations of the various races and factions? Even distribution?
Don't know the situation on Aris, but on Lea there is a very even distribution between all races except Zorai (a lot less), there are some times with a lot more of one of the three first mentioned but that is changing all the time.
Afaik the Kami/Kara ratio is very even on Aris opposed to Leanon where the Kami Faction has been VERY strong for a long time.
But the others (from Arsi) will be far better at answering this!
Is it pretty quick to get a character to higher "levels" in the skills I'd like to use?
Depends on your style - I'm playing the slow style and haven't even one skill maxed out even though I'm around since 2004 ;-)
Others had at least one skill maxed after just about a month or two (I don't think those people had any sleep in that time).
Is there somewhere I could read up on the current state of the game RP wise?
You could start with the Roleplay Forums here - esp. "Events (Arispotle)" and "Roleplay (Arispotle)"
Thanks for your time, and look forward to hearing from you all, and seeing you in game!
Will be hard for me as I'm on an other Server ;-)
But anyways: have fun!


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Jarnys (Leanon)
Hello, just downloaded the game, messing around on the starter island.
Welcome to Atys stranger =)
Jarnys (Leanon)
My question at this point is, given the style of the game, I'd like to RP. To do so, I need to create a character I'd like to be for a while, but to do so I need some info.
Sure! Look around in the Atys Wiki which has all the background information out there or ask some people you meet directly or see in the universe chat.
I suggest checking out this link (if you're reading through a browser). http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben
Jarnys (Leanon)
How are the populations of the various races and factions? Even distribution?
Don't know the situation on Aris, but on Lea there is a very even distribution between all races except Zorai (a lot less), there are some times with a lot more of one of the three first mentioned but that is changing all the time.
Afaik the Kami/Kara ratio is very even on Aris opposed to Leanon where the Kami Faction has been VERY strong for a long time.
But the others (from Arsi) will be far better at answering this!
I think the Kami faction is a bit smaller on Arispotle, but I don't know how many people are playing the different races. I spend most of my stable time in Fairhaven which is in the Trykers' home land so the majority of the Homins I talk to are Trykers.
Jarnys (Leanon)
Is it pretty quick to get a character to higher "levels" in the skills I'd like to use?
Depends on your style - I'm playing the slow style and haven't even one skill maxed out even though I'm around since 2004 ;-)
Others had at least one skill maxed after just about a month or two (I don't think those people had any sleep in that time).
I'd suggest creating a character and stick to it since it would be quite a pain to start again from nothing. You can change guild, civilization allegiance and faction/cult/religion whenever you want but it can take quite some time to increase your fame.
Jarnys (Leanon)
Is there somewhere I could read up on the current state of the game RP wise?
You could start with the Roleplay Forums here - esp. "Events (Arispotle)" and "Roleplay (Arispotle)"
Thanks for your time, and look forward to hearing from you all, and seeing you in game!
Will be hard for me as I'm on an other Server ;-)
But anyways: have fun!

I'll look forward to seeing you in game.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Since you're interested in roleplaying, I believe for choosing races it's most important to read the basic race descriptions and dive into the details http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/Lore

Then you can decide if you want to play the typical e.g. mystical Zorai or maybe a very atypical mystical Tryker. Both could be fun.

Over time probably you'll be interested in visiting all four capitals and probably also will be interested in all their missions and rites because as Gryshnozk mentioned starting all over is time consuming. So imho selecting a race, and later selecting the first "home town" (the first town where you are teleported to from Silan) are not limiting you later on in the game.

Keep in mind though that for some more interesting rites (missions with a storyline) you should have some positive fame with a race and achieving that can be a bit time consuming, especially on low levels. If actively RP'ing I'll bet there will be a lot of players willing to team up with you. People are usually very helpful around this game.

My guess is that if you're into RP, you're maybe one of the slower-levelling players which is perfectly fine in Ryzom. Just enjoy the game, the story, the people.


(Disclaimer: I'm on Leanon only)

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

I would agree with Irfidel. Read up on the racial, civilization and cult backgrounds and then make a character that fits what most appeals to you.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

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