A New Beginning

Well all of GoJ are planning to return after full wipe so he won't be alone

Good for you.

To be honest. Im very annoyed at anyone who would return and put time into the game.

Wow, that is a very selfish attitude. Just because you can't find a reason to enjoy the game if there is a full wipe, you want everyone to join in your misery.
You are sending a message to the company that they can do and get away with anything they want. That they can treat their paying customers like trash and that that is OK.

I think its absolutely aweful. Just my opinion.
Really, treating us like trash? They gave us 15 days notice of the intended change, they could have waited until the 22nd. They did what they could to soften the loss of skills by increasing XP for subscribes to 2x. They scheduled events to help with the transition.

Then they listened to the customer dismay at the loss of skills and started considering ways to save skill levels.

I don't feel like trash at all, I feel like the company came to a crossroads and mapped out the best transition they could. Then, when they saw the impact of that map, they started looking at alternatives.

Also, the idea of starting from scratch is appealing in its own way and am seriously considering retiring Gorran regardless of the outcome of the wipe.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

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