PROPOSAL: Remove material restricions on race-based crafting plans and add s ...

There is definetely more than a months play time even if you exclude digging and crafting. It depends on your play style. If all you do is grind grind grind grind then maybe yeah but I don't expect you're having any fun in the process.

Crafting and digging isn't for everybody and Ryzom is not at all a solo game. It's an mmorpg. You interact with people and work together for the bettering of each other. If you don't want to dig or craft then help people kill stuff and protect them while they get mats in return they could make you gear. Even just being in a guild people will supply you with stuff. Even if you aren't in a persons guild often they will craft stuff for free.

The point is to be able to craft a variety of designs as I said before.

If it doesn't itnerest you simply don't do it! Don't go trying to change something that works for 90% of the population. If you've grown bored then that's you. Maybe ryzom isn't for you. I hate to turn people away but ryzom is a grinding game with other stuff mixed in.
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