Cat Production.

I feel a change is necessary, as the original intention was to get rid of the surplus in the game world. For starters the production needs to be switched around, more higher lvl cats than lower lvl cats, because gaining levels at 0-50 is much quicker than 200-250.

Please consider that there are only 4 outposts producing q50 catalyzers (as far as they are producing cats at all). Lvl 50 is reached soon, anyway, even without cats.

On the other hand, all f2p players can use only q50-q150 cats due to the level cap. And many players quit or reduce playtime before reaching lvl 150 oder even lvl 200. So the overall demand for cats below level 200 may exceed that for the higher levels.
and then maybe a slight increase...
I still doubt that this is the right way, much more that a slight increase will be felt at all outside the OP holding guilds. First reaction on a slight or even medium increase will be servicing the demand of guild members of OP holding guilds. Next step will be refilling or building up reserves for the case of OP loss. After that, demand of allied guilds, be it for members or restacking reserves, may be serviced. Only after all that, the general public may take advantage - or not. Some guilds may also decide to produce more mats once cats output has been raised in case the throttled cat production is servicing their demand.

I know that on Leanon at least 2, probably 3 lvl 250 outposts do not produce cats at all. The holders are battle hardened guilds of long term players who long leveled out all skills of their need, several of them before cats existed in the game. Why should they sacrifice valuable tekorn, vedice, maga etc. just for gifting cats to "spoiled brats"?

That's why I favor methods empowering all interested homins, not just OP holders. I think that cat pricing in faction points above q100 is wrong and prohibitive. q50 to q250 have a per cat cost in civ fp of 1,2,4,8,17, in cult fp even 2,4,8,16,33 which is kind of quadratic increase. This is unreasonable and results in about 17,000 civ fp for a single stack of catalyzers, meaning 8 times ca touring the camps for a neutral player and about two and a half for a citizen. A pricing of 1,2,3,4,5 for civ fp (dunno about cult fp, any suggestion?) would seem fair to me, amountig in 440 q250 cats per camp run for a neutral and 1100 for a citizen. That is still not much for 45-90minutes of touring all camps in a country.

My general objection of simply raising OP production of cats is that I obviously everybody expects to be given cats for free. Nobody so far told how much of which valuables she would be willing to give in exchange for a stack of cats of a given quality to the producers of cats no matter whether they be OP holders, crystal crafters, camp runners, mission mat diggers, or PvPists. Only then one could judge whether overall cat production is too low.


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