Be'rahael Casken's RP Diary

Part 12: From that night till morning Akillia explained to me what happen during the first kitin invasion and how the leaders of the old land abandoned my ancestors…our ancestors. Our new leaders have knowledge of the past and seem to careless about it. Lies, I feel like I’ve been lied to for the simple fact that know one has told me anything. How can I call myself being a part of something, apart of this government, being a Tryker Citizen if I have no history of what I’m apart of? They didn’t plan to tell us that we were betrayed by our own people and they don’t intend to. They have brain washed us with these rules and commandments of being free and in actuality we are slaves in our own lands. Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.

I’m inside one of the Marauder camps and I stare at a campfire pondering about the knowledge I have just taken in. Akillia approaches me and rest her hand on my shoulder.

Akillia Ash Storm: “So, what say you Mr. Casken, will you become one of us and really be free. Help us take back what’s ours?

I look at her…I look at her with hard, keen eyes

Be’Rahael Casken: “It would be my pleasure to join you”


The Black Cloud
Why you are weak? Because you lack Hatred
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