Heavy CPU usage Problem

Marla -- Say wha???

That sort of sounded like English, but comprehension eludes me. If you can explain more thoroughly how one throttles the client, how to use cpulimit and things like that so that a geek who is not a PC guru can understand it, I'd love to listen. Remember that I'm on Windoze XP SP3 and not on Lunux. (AMD Athalon 64 3200+, 2.0 GHz//Nvidia 9600GT with 512MB memory to add to the specs given in my original post.)

Sorry Bittty, I'll try to be more explicit :)

Throttling was meant as a possible solution on the dev side (e.g., provide an option for capping frame rates at least), but the equivalently valid solution is to cap the amount of CPU that is allowed to the ryzom client. Throttling generally relies on microsleep to reduce resource consumption (baiscally wasting time, but not using resources to do so as would happen in busy waiting), and limiting CPU usage works in the same fashion, but relying on the OS scheduler to only allocate a lower number of time slices to a given process.

For Windows, alas, I have not used it for almost 15 years, so I cannot help. For Linux, you can use:
$ cpulimit -l <percentage_allowed> -p <process_id>

For example to limit cpu usage to 50% on a ryzom_client that has process ID, say 19788:
$ cpulimit -l 50 -p 19788

I believe similar tools exist for Windows, but you should google this for more precise info.
The main thing is that I believe this behavior started only a week or so ago for me. Do any of the devs have words on this?

As far as I'm concerned, I use a script to launch the client, which maps the process to the appropriate core and limits CPU usage, so I have not "perceived" any change.


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