
Rotoa is not a plant native to Verdant heights. In fact it is the only true tree that grows in Prime roots.
It has been first described by Famous matisian botanist Lenardi Bravichi but that is as far as the connection to matisian empire might be traced. The Rotoas ov Avalae were also planted by him.

Here's a small abstract about Rotoa from "Incomplete Atysian botanical atlas"

The fact that until recently this plant has never been seen outside Prime roots (with the exception of Avalae) prooves that it does not use travelling roots as a means of reproduction. Most likely (given the size and aboundance of the flowers) it uses the indigenous airborne fauna of the prime roots for pollenation, but then later the seeds ripen within the trunk itself, slowly travelling to the roots, where they enter the bulbous tubers, grown by the tree precisely for that reason. Allthough rather uncommon, such form of reproduction is known to Atysian botanists. This also explains why noone has ever seen the Rotoa fruit. The undrground Rotoa tubers are the favourite food of burrowing molluscs, aboundant in the prime roots but not seen anywhere else on Atys. They devour the tubours and spread the minuscle Rotoa seeds, providing them with additional nourishment by generously apportioning the future Rotoa with their excrement.

According to the above the chance of Rotoa trees spreading in Trykoth and the Burning desert and thus "threatening" the local ecosystems is next to none. Unless the representatives of local burrowing fauna would suddenly find a taste for a food source never before encountered by their ancestors and therefore not "embedded" in the feeding instincts.

However once planted the trees will grow irrespective of the environment, since they take their nourishment from the sap veins underlying the soil and not from the upper layer, used by the grasses, herbs, moss, algae and the like.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the Rotoa planted by Matisian botanists for the convenience of alchemists of all nations have been modified to stop the seeds from travelling within the trunk. Thus the flowers detach as soon as the seed is ready to "travel".

OOC: Hope this helps :)
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