Adjustments following players population

I disagree with some points.

Some sup spots; sure; they are super easy to dig. But so are a ton of other things in Ryzom.

But some spots; for a solo digger; they require extreme knowledge of the aggro movement on the area and when is the only window you will have to go dig your spot in one go. Notable examples: Dzao at LoC; Tama at US, Soo at FD etc. etc. etc. If u have a meat-shield everything is easy; if u don't it's not at all easy.

Shouldn't I , and all those like myself that have mastered the art of sneaking to difficult spots, be handsomely rewarded? We should.

Sup hunting for myself; is the only activity I really enjoy in Atys; the only real challenge that remains; that can be done with one person. You take that away; you take away my fun time; something I have invested way too much time in to learn and become good at. It's a fine art on its own to even know according to weather and where you are when to use your specials, when to purposefully dp taxi, when to tp, which mat to go after first; which specials you should use and when (some spots have jugs on the way some others don't). This is all a tremendous aspect of PR digging gameplay. Take away the benefits; we have nothing to play for.

I was the first to complain when Pats where removed from the Roots (for no reason at all), and I was the first to cherish their return. Like-wise when the goo-lag annoyances were introduced; it was a nightmare trying to solo-dig in PR; I stopped playing for quite some time when that happened. Those who have the time and invest their time into any activity they are good at, should be rewarded accordingly; if not; then our time is not worth it. Do whatever you want on the surface; (does anyone even care that after the last reboot the thessos wall "disappeared?"), but leave our roots alone.

I will stress again and again and again that the problems stem from Guilds keeping up with their Faction-only policies; and not making any effort what-so-ever to engage in trade activities with other factions. Of course if that's the attitude that is dominant, we all end up with stacks of sup mats in our GHs and we complain about over-abundance.

Need I mention the extremely hillarious thing that because of this policy; some factions, end up with a tremendous amount of Boss Loot, which they cannot however, irony huh, put to any good use, because they don't do Marauder Hunts, so they don't even have crystals to craft said loot? Or the fact that they ban and criticize other guilds that participate in said hunts? (And I am talking about my faction as well)

Yes; over-abundance of resources is the problem; clearly; not the dead-end cold war RP that has stagnated the market-place...

And here is the kicker: Sup digging allows a sole homina to be in control of her future. With a fully stocked sup gh; you do not need any faction, any guild, no-one. You are really free to play your game the way you want it; you have endless power. And this I know from my experience. I am kami because I have elected to be one; and because of my friends. However; I don't need them; and I hope they don't need me.

Because I can stand on my super tall legs on my own; I don't even care if my faction disagrees with me; and they have done on many times in the past.I am free. I am free because I don't depend on them. Maybe that's why many RP heavy guilds emphasize on the importance of doing things only intra-guild, or intra-faction, they are afraid of what happens when individual hominas and homins don't give a crap about their policies; when individual hominas seize utter control of the means of production to the extend to which; we really don't careeeee about your RP because we are FREE!



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