
[EN] [Trykers] Taliari assembly of Crystabell

Placio posts this flyer at all Tryker stables:

The beautiful city of Crystabell is forming a City Council to direct local activities. The City Council will be composed of the Taliari ((EN community)) and leaders or representatives from lakes resident guilds ((EN speaking)). Our Kard'al has also requested that I search for Tryker Citizens that would belong to the Crystabell community that are currently independent of any guild. If you have information that would help me, or you would like more information please contact me by Izam, or find me resting at the Avendale Stables.

Tor Lochi!

Placio the Frippo, Taliar of Pirates of Darkmoor
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Last visit Thursday, 6 June 18:32:22 UTC

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