[Done] Ryzom will move to a real Free to Play concept!

EVE has been around since 2003, ryom is 12 years old, not far behind.
They are moving to fremium as well

Runescape is 2001
I don't know the date they went to allowing p2p to going back to f2p (there were problems with p2p having more bank slots and it was not easy to convert, now... they separate the two, so it's easy to convert)

Fremium is great, I have heard new players say they do not want to be "locked in" to paying. Sometimes you just need to take a few months off for either moving/rl reasons or just finances, work/school etc

Freedom to do this is excellent
As a bonus , sleepers will return just to log in
Friends will be reunited
The population will go up dramatically for a bit
People will be tempted to resub when they see each other again

1) EVE do have micro-payment system.
2) EVE will implement alpha clone for f2p who will not be able to learn all techno but some tech can be learned to the maximum.
3) EVE have a real, strong and awesome IG market
4) You can buy Skin Injection in the market using ISK or PLEX/AUR
With there payment system they earn money and the game have dedicated and payed people to work on the game.

1) Ryzom don't have micro-payment system.
2) Ryzom do not allow to master any skill
3) Ryzom have an inexistent IG market :(
4) The only good point is we cannot sell skill to others.

No money = only volunteers to work on the game, they have life and limited time.

So it's great to talk about EVE but they already have system to make money with the game witch Ryzom don't have (yet ?)
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