Raise the maximum experience limit.

I'm trying to match up your constructive critique with the proposed solution. And I find it doesn't:

Your biggest gripe seems to be with the grind above level 200. And I can relate to that. However, if you raise the max EP cap, then this speeds up the grinding of the lower levels more than the grinding of the higher levels: The diff of the skill trained and the level of the monster can be bigger the lower the level is.

So, _if_ one wanted to address your issue, then it seems that introducing higher level monsters while leaving everything else as it is would be the solution to go for. At level 230 you'd team up and kill level 260 monsters. Those are currently hard to get by in easy enough circumstances that it would be worthwhile levelling, aren't they?

On the whole, even though after maybe five years of playing I'm still exactly in the position of levelling a couple of skills through those levels 180-250 (mind you, at the rate of possibly five hours game time a month), I strongly disagree with anyone who wants to make the game easier in any way.

I want this game to be hard. No one is forcing anyone to level to 250. I fully agree that the last thirty levels or so are really annoying. Especially for those of us with limited time on their hand. But as has been said before: There's so much else to do. And when I do grind "mindlessly", I - as a player - enjoy the time with some ooc or roleplaying chat with the other players.

Nothing in Ryzom is given without such mind numbing tediousness:
- Ever tried to craft your own armour? Found a good recipe? Found all the mat spots for such a recipe yourself?
- Ever tried to trek alone? Without a mount?
- Ever tried to master the occupations? I mean, without spoilers?
- Ever tried to figure out how best to compete in PVP?
These are very hard goals. But there's also a light side: Some fun events. Light chatting. Exploring the countryside. Finding missions with good dapper rewards and faming up to be able to do them. Getting to know every single tribe. Doing the "mektoub runs" for the four civilizations. Digging up a few hundred mats for your favourite crafter/item supplier... The list goes on.

As a summary: I actually wouldn't mind more (reasonable) "ordinary" spawns of monsters above level 250. But no further easing on the EP mechanics. Just remember that not so long ago even subscribed players would need to find cats in order to get the double xp. So some folks actually grinded with a 3000EP cap...
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