
Is Boss Cammping still happening?

It is fascinating how somebody with zero experience in the game is jumping to conclusions. One may agree to Bones' terms considering intense scouting with accounting for last boss' demise as "camping", or not. The algorithm is that after a boss is down, respawn will not occur for the next 36hrs, then occur randomly before 72hrs since its death have elapsed. There are 25 q270 bosses and no less 220 bosses, roughly half of them especially valuable. Nearly each has 2-4 spawn locations, some of them close to one another, yet you would need an army to monitor them all all times using camping, especially camping with low level alts.

Scouts may traverse a region in a few minutes, and there are "only" about 20 regions to monitor. And scouts do not care for dp, instead use death teleport for fast movement. Therefore you don't need more than 3 or 4 scouts and 10-15 minutes to check all boss spawns. And if you know the time of demise of a boss you have to monitor only 1,5 days of the 3 days respawn period.

When Naema and her friends found and killed 11 bosses on one day, and those were, as I suppose, both 220 and 270 bosses, this was a good hunt. But that were not all of the average of 16-17 bosses spawning or being available every day. Mind that there are also 170, 120, and 70 bosses useful when crafting young players' equipment. Some guilds, even solo players (cough) hold alt guildhalls to store the <160/170 boss and named stuff.

In fact, boss hunt is somewhat too easy for experienced players. But I fail to see that this can be fixed easily.

@Virg: In fact, there have been phony complaints about boss camping at that time, funnily by a guild which achieved 5-10 high level boss kills per day (the other one with similar results - Nathanel's and Joabu's - denied these complaints). I challenged them as well as I was patrolling all high level regions regularly at that times for reasons of my RP rather than for scouting, and did with very few exceptions never see one of the alleged camping suspects.

I want to stress that I define camping as Naema did, and do distinguish scouting and camping.


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