
A lengthy consideration on Ryzom's status as a PVPer

I am looking at myself. What can I do to make a difference in the current pvp situation? Are there things I can do without waiting for a dev to rewrite code?

Personally, I don't understand the current pvp. Are you ready? Are you sure you're ready.

Also, I don't see picking on helpless players as honorable. For me as a Master to kill a level 50 noob does not seem honorable. I might do that to someone that was mouthy just to wake them up but basically not honorable.

So in PR if I gain nothing... No pvp points, no loot, no territory... What is the point unless we're fighting over resources? I actually need some of those people to tell me information about how to dig in PR. Why would I want to run around and just randomly kill a bunch of level 50 noobs over and over? That is how killing people who are digging in focus gear strikes me.

Now attacking people standing in front of FH stables with their tags on. If you're big enough and brave enough to stand there with your tags on don't cry you're afk.



The Clan

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Last visit Saturday, 1 June 23:59:30 UTC

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