Campfire + Aura

My idea's on campfires done right:

1. Give em less XP so they can be killed a bit more easy (yes ppl will gank em more but for it to be more immersive we don't need 100s of campfires in a zone)

2. Set them on a timer so they die out after some time (wich I would hate but again would mean more immersive, see 2.1. for a better idea)

2.1. Scrap above and do it like this: If a player is close (anyone) campfire stays on, moment nobody is in 10m radius a timer starts to run after 30min campfire is gone. If somebody gets in range before campfire is destroyed then campfire stays on again.
> this would be quite fun and immersive I think and would simulate that if somebody is close that they replentish the wood now and then and when nobody is close the fire dies since it's not being tend to

3. I can see a campfire giving an extra aura to all regeneration for ppl SITTING DOWN next to it.
> this would alow ppl hunting and digging to regen their hp/stam/focus/sap a bit more rapid if they go sit when low on the resource while it would not give them boosts while digging/hunting next to it.
In other words "standing next to a fire doesn't make you stronger, sitting next to one relaxes you and gives you a faster regen"

4. Animals: I'm not sure are animals on atys afraid from fire? And sadly enough we got no roaming bandits either in ryzom.
I guess something could be done like some predators stay away because they are scared and others get attracted to the fire. The problem I see with this that it could be exploited like zones with only the scared predator could me made predator safe with some campfires.

ps. Above all i think unattended campfires shouldn't be here, think it was dyron hill a ran trough yesterday (just mindless running without a purpose). And I came up on a place with like 6-8 unattended campfires next to each other build by same person doing nothing there. I left em alone but 50m further I ran into another unattended campfire by different player and so on. Like I can't see why they are there still if player not there.
ps2. statement on first ps: Yes sadly enough I've done the same on some occasions so don't come send me screens of campfires I forgot to up out thats why I would like a timer like in '2.1.'


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Last visit Wednesday, 5 June 12:59:50 UTC

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