Of Goo, and Weapons....

"Make sure you get the ratio right! Too much and you will kill the beast!" Said the Masters of the Goo Chief guard. "We must follow the recipe exactly!"

"I know, I know!" Said the underling, as he spooned a little more goo into the bowl of food they were feeding the Kipesta.

"And don't touch it! You know what that stuff will do to you!"

"I know, I know! How many times have you told me this?"

"Silence! And do as your are told! Before I have you clean out his pen too!
Did you put in the Peppery Aromatic plant?"

"Yes sir, I already did that, but it seems to repulse him."

"Yes, I know, but it is required if we are to get that extra strength from his flaming pollen. And don't forget the small egg, if we don't get mats from his hide we can craft with, he is worthless and might as well be let loose like those other corrupted kitins."

"But they were useful, they caused havoc on Atys! It was funny watching all those homins race around trying to kill them all over the place. We really got them worried!"

"You silly fool! We are not here to get the Kami worried, we are here to conquer them! And how else can we do it unless we not only release goo infected Kitins, but also craft weapons out of their hides? I think this is the next phase of our Illustrous leader Bo-Qung Fao! He has been carrying on the research his father started many Cycles ago..."

"As for this recipee, you know it is not perfect, we still cannot get mats from the kipestas."

"Yes, yes, I know, but it worked on the Igaras. Maybe try a little more honey, that will make it more palatable for the creature. And don't forget to carefully document your ingredients and the amount you give him or I will have you hanged! It is important to have the exact information understood for each creature so we can be successful and repeat this! Pretty soon all of Atys will be crawling with goo infected kitins, they will not be able to stop them, and only we will hold the power to craft with their mats! We will make weapons of all sorts to defeat the Kami!"
"The Black Circle sure helped us out this time with information how to get mats out of these beasts.." The Chief guard of the Masters of the Goo pondered for a moment and gently smiled.

"Yes sir! Don't worry, you can count on me!"

After casting a few spells on the food with its weakened form of goo inside, the guard slid the bowl into the kipestas cage. The kipesta came forward and seemed repulsed at first by the concoction, but sniffed it again and ravenously devoured the food.
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