
Farewell Hans (Thaxlssillyia, Casy)

(This should have been posted much earlier, unfortunately circumstances were against it. Sorry for the delay.)

Dear Ryzom-Community,

unfortunately there is shaking and very very sad news. At April 4th, our fellow member and good friend Hans Both died suddenly and completely unexpected because of an aneurysm. Hans played Thaxlssillyia on Leanon and was member of the guild The Free Soul since 2006 until today, since the server merge in 2012 he was part of the Alliance of Honor as Casy.

Hans, who many of us had the luck to meet personally several times, was always there when we needed him - and he was often asked for advice, in all circumstances of life. Especially in Ryzom if it was about unusual amplifiers, the way a stanza works or the guess which weapon was better than the other, it was often said: ask Hans. Until now I know nobody who looked so closely and yet so happily and curiously into all aspects of gameplay mechanics. His cool-headed nature, his bright ability to judge, his astute, smart humor, his always well-considered opinions, his great helpfulness... we will terribly miss all this and much more. It is unbelievable that he's not there anymore.

Hans was 35 years old. All our commiseration belongs to his parents and siblings.

We would like to say goodbye to Hans ingame. We meet at the Midway Point (Wastelands) at Sunday, April 27th, 19 GMT. A trek to this location will start half an hour before from the roots portal in the Void.

In the name of his guilds and close friends "Alliance of Honor" and "The Free Soul".


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