[PLAYER EVENT / MATIS] Studying our foe: Kitin of the Depths

Erminantius had just returned from the assembly of Avalae.

He was smiling. He took his notebook and his quill.

I'm back from the assembly, and the Karan's councillor has just announced that the Karan was pleased with my initiative. He has even announced publicly that the Karan authorized me to pursue. I’ve got to admit I’m pretty proud of myself. At least, the Karan will know my name. Now, I’d better be up to my ancestors, and show to all that the Matis can work for the good of Atys.

I think that, now, we’ll be able to work with serenity.

Zendae has confirmed that one tribe had a captive Kipesta. We’ve got to look deeper in this way.

I haven’t gotten any news from Salazar. I hope that everything is going well on his side. But I know that his work is more complicated, and that it’s probably not as easy as it seems.

In the meantime, I observe the mounds and I take notes. I should go around in the other nations, to check if the mounds are the same. In any case, in the Forest, the kitins seem to pile up sawdust. I wonder where it comes from. And why these piles of sawdust are there. Sometimes, they’re putting them quite far from their tunnels.

I wonder if, by studying this sawdust, we couldn’t know where it comes from.

Erminantius closed his notebook, put on his armor, and went on the ground to study the kitins…
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