Ryzom News - December 2012

They can do anything they want. Even joking us speaking about "program icon on windows" as a "known issue".

I don't care. What i had to do, I did. I ticketed and spoke with gm's, as always i did in 8 years. I supported ryzom for almost 8 years, always subbed.
Many many players are waiting the game fixed, and what Tamarea speak of? "Program Icon on WIndows has changed"? Something that needs 30 seconds of junior programmer to fix?

I stopped my subs, because i don't like being joked by the devs.

DOn't worrie Dominikus, it's easy: be part of 2-3 big guilds or the marauders and you'll get the fun. You and the others 100 players that will stay here and don't care of the broken gameplay.
Just hope WG can take the server online with 100 subbed players.


Legion of Atys
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