
#1 [en] 

Hi Dulla here

Make Kitin Invasion like Yubo Invasion + Reward

-Make Kitins invade cities and kill homins there :)

Why: Because It's an invasion

-Make the loot automatically distributed like the Choice tokens from Yubo

Why: Because sometimes (Like the one FH Kitin's Nest) no one distributed the tokens and those who didn't get any share of the loot would just stop showing up for the rest of the event

-Add rewards for every Nest killed

Why: So that even Homins with the title Kitin-somthing title would still be interested in participating in the event, drop a treassure chest after killing the Gate of Darkness like the one during the Tree boss last Atysmas, would make Older Players who has the title look forward to in participating.

That's all thanks.

Zuletzt geändert von Dullahan (vor 5 Jahren)



#2 [en] 

I second this. While I personally have no interest in the titles and just participate to help others, an automatic distribution system for tokens would be great. It happened to us yesterday in Pyr that nobody was looting the dead kitins, so the tokens were wasted for no good reason (nobody appeared to be able to loot, even).

Having them invade cities makes sense, as has been stated, it is an invasion, it should be a threat. A lot of people did not even know the kitin nests were there in the first place, which is a bit of a wasted opportunity. From my understanding, dynamic invasions are still very much in the testing phase, so this is something to keep in mind.

It would also be nice to have something, anything, happen when the Gate of Darkness is killed. Right now it just leaves me with a feeling of "Oh, that was it?". If not rewards, then at least some kind of message that pops up on the screen, describing the kitins still trapped underground roaring in anger as they are unable to come to the surface or something.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#3 [en] 

@Dullahan : Make Kitin Invasion like Yubo Invasion + Reward

the Kitins are not Anlor Winn bosses
they are and must remain roleplay elements
how are you going to explain that the kitins loot boxes of tokens ?

Ryzom is not wow

+1 for the idea that Kitins invade cities
all homins would be obliged to participate in the eradication to survive
maybe with fewer kitins at once but divided into groups of 4 or 5 move randomly on the surface of Atys

#4 [en] 

+1 Eolinius

For the auto-loot I'm not sure either... but if there's a way to disable lock for Kitins of the Depth that would already fix the problems (sure it would depend on players if tokens are distributed, but makes sense roleplay-wise, only one Homin can collect pieces of the Kitin and go show them to the Kitin Observer. That Homin can also decide to give some pieces to homins who helped him though)


#5 [en] 

Hi Dulla here

Make Kitin Invasion like Yubo Invasion + Reward

-Make Kitins invade cities and kill homins there :)

Why: Because It's an invasion
Agree with "Killing all Homins + NPCs in Citys", but no Rewards since it is not OOC as i understood.
-Make the loot automatically distributed like the Choice tokens from Yubo

Why: Because sometimes (Like the one FH Kitin's Nest) no one distributed the tokens and those who didn't get any share of the loot would just stop showing up for the rest of the event
Distribute tokens would be good, but not really necessary. Sure i understood, that when you don't loot, you wont get any tokens. But should there be less social interaction? Do you think all Homins are selfish and don't distribute? If you are in team with some mates, you will allways get tokens. Solo Players will be punished this way. But do you prefer a MMORPG with lots of Solo-Players? I dont think so.
-Add rewards for every Nest killed

Why: So that even Homins with the title Kitin-somthing title would still be interested in participating in the event, drop a treassure chest after killing the Gate of Darkness like the one during the Tree boss last Atysmas, would make Older Players who has the title look forward to in participating.
Sure getting an extra reward from the gate could be a good idea. But it is not OOC. So what? I would say the Gameplay and the successfully Destroying of the Gate is the reward. If you think there should be a reward, i guess you are a bit spoiled and dont enjoy the game itself. But thats only my POV.

At the end, i think you are trying to convert the RP-Event to an OOC-Event. Well my opinion doesn't count, but making every Event like OOC is boring and will bore me. So that i wont join any events. Let it be different.


Nicht klicken!

#6 [en] 

Before someone jumps the pike in their A**es and say I'm trying to kill the RP, here's my take on that.

Well if we're talking about RP, I saw more Zorai toons defend FH compared to Trykers when we did the Kitin's nest in Lakes, while the Zorai nest still stands there and no zorai bats an eye lel and more Tryker (and matis even xD)toons defended Pyr last night then their own people lol.

This game isn't active enough to cater solely on RPlayers anymore.

'But.. but.. Kitins are the enemies of all homins and should work togedurr' yeah, so a team of marauders helping in the invasion when trying to escape being wiped by the kitins, won't get attacked when they try to take cover in the cities right?

yeah that's what I thought. (there where more Maruaders helping in the kitin invasion than your so called rangers xD)
i guess you are a bit spoiled and dont enjoy the game itself

I'm not the one who logs in, goes afk, and whines in forum or uni throws an idea completely out of the blue before logging off again lol, that's like twitter, and I'm not in to that xD (not talking about you specifically)

Anyway, this decision will cater to both content players and Role Players, it won't take away from you, but will give to others instead, pretty good alternative to just saying 'that shouldn't be there' 'this event shouldn't exist' when OOC events happens :)

oh and.. it shouldn't even be tokens .. maybe change it to something Kitin body parts (that only drops with those type of kitins, so maybe would make to create a new icon for that) that's RP ^_^



#7 [en] 

oh and.. it shouldn't even be tokens .. maybe change it to something Kitin body parts (that only drops with those type of kitins, so maybe would make to create a new icon for that) that's RP ^_^

That's what it's right now, you know...
Well if we're talking about RP, I saw more Zorai toons defend FH compared to Trykers when we did the Kitin's nest in Lakes, while the Zorai nest still stands there and no zorai bats an eye lel and more Tryker (and matis even xD)toons defended Pyr last night then their own people lol.

There are many RPers who do not play extremist toons today, and already went to Assemblies etc. of other nations, even before Kitins came out. RP is not about 'only Fyros should defend Pyr, every other race homin who defends it isn't RP'. About the nest in Zorai that's exactly because of the lack of players yes - I would love to kill the nest, but i can't do it alone. And the Non-RPers wanted to kill the ones in Pyr, so did i really have a choice? No.
This game isn't active enough to cater solely on RPlayers anymore.
Of course, that's why there's events at easter, christmas and halloween. But only because the game isn't active enough to cater solely on RPers, doesn't mean it must cater solely on non-RPers, and only do OOC Events.

I NEVER complained about eggs and OOC Events, but that doesn't mean that ALL events should be like them.


#8 [en] 

But should there be less social interaction? Do you think all Homins are selfish and don't distribute? If you are in team with some mates, you will allways get tokens. Solo Players will be punished this way. But do you prefer a MMORPG with lots of Solo-Players? I dont think so.

In an ideal world, sure. But this is not an ideal world. You are assuming the participating players are able and willing to communicate. And, let me tell you, that's one hell of an assumption.

In the better case, it's a question of language barrier. Not everyone on Atys speaks the same languages. I speak my native language, English and some German, but I can't speak French. Which is really unfortunate, because there are many French players and a large part of them can't communicate in English (thumbs up for those who try though, I really appreciate it) That alone is a huge issue a lot of the time. It's hard to communicate with anyone when you simply can't understand what the other person is saying.

And then there are people who wilfully refuse to speak to others based on whatever reasoning they have, like factions. I know there are players who do not respond to anything I say just because I'm a marauder. Even though I'm a marauder who is helping defend their city that would otherwise fall (or not, as the invasions don't function this way) because they failed to show up in large enough numbers. And when the participants aren't willing to communicate, communication can't happen.

So, it's not neccessarily that all Homins are selfish, it's just that there are huge communications barriers between us.

Now, I personally don't care about the rewards. I participate in these events because I'm one of those dreaded carebears who likes helping others. I'll go even if all I get is damage on my gear and death penalty. But, for those who actually want the titles, a better distribution system would be nice.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#9 [en] 

oh and.. it shouldn't even be tokens .. maybe change it to something Kitin body parts (that only drops with those type of kitins, so maybe would make to create a new icon for that) that's RP ^_^
That's what it's right now, you know...

Just checked again, yes it's not called tokens but piece of kitin

This game isn't active enough to cater solely on RPlayers anymore.
Of course, that's why there's events at easter, christmas and halloween. But only because the game isn't active enough to cater solely on RPers, doesn't mean it must cater solely on non-RPers, and only do OOC Events.

This idea aims to cater to both, even the older toons who already has the title won't get left out.
I NEVER complained about eggs and OOC Events, but that doesn't mean that ALL events should be like them.

I know lol, you don't use RP as a way to be an @** to others ^_^



#10 [en] 

how are you going to explain that the kitins loot boxes of tokens ?

Kitins attacked a fortunate gubani transport and consumed many tokens. Help crush the bugs and retrieve the tokens!

#11 [en] 

I'm sad to see the only thing that interest the Ryzom player's are tokens (that is OOC).

We have a crazy damn good game, with a generous Lore and some nice mechanics to exploit and enjoy, and all you guys carry for is gambling.
Gambling, that has absolutely nothing to do in Ryzom really


#12 [en] 

Ummm, tokens are very much IC, not sure why you would think that they are not...

#13 [en] 

-Make Kitins invade cities and kill homins there :)

Kitins Invasions of cities is no longer "a thing " ? Those were always my fav.


#14 [en] 

-Make Kitins invade cities and kill homins there :)

Kitins Invasions of cities is no longer "a thing " ? Those were always my fav.

The last ones where just experimental I think, but they where just outside the capitals waiting to be wiped.

Which was done thanks to the newbies that participated in them! ^^ (there are some old players too, but mostly first timers who got to see kitin 'invasions', including me)
I tried inviting the 'masters' but they just say, 'promise me I get kitin tokens' or 'just waste of gear' 'no use in going there'.

that's where this idea came from.



#15 [en] 

Ummm, tokens are very much IC, not sure why you would think that they are not...

The whole (end)game is resumed into gambling, that i want to say Placio :P
Not to mention the drop of tokens is certainly not IC. And that what people seem to want at any cost, the drop of tokens :P


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