Amps or no amps
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Aranitus, Ashuleila, Drezar, Gasket, Indigo
6 (1)
Atys: Bitttymacod, Fyranna, Isabela, Karabas, Osquallo, Ratastantan, Sharleen, Ulsort
8 (2)
I'll bring some but lets see without first
Atys: Arfur, Corwin, Hobelchen, Lilsis, Marceline, Sienn, Silanis
7 (1)
Andere 0
Sich enthalten 7

#27 [en] 

Yup started working on it again yesterday so it will most likly be held again in the near future.
I myself liked the no amps all rest allowed idea otherwise it's just another 2v2 fight. For other stuff it's almost impossible to check so I rather allow eggs,occ items,boosted gear,... in the end all participants work all day their asses off to get the gear why shouldn't they be allowed to show it off and use it (except for server merger gear if you work hard you can get everything and that staff last year was great to see it being used. in the end it's not really overpowered and well you where signed up before merger you got it so you worked and supported the game so it's yours to use is my idea)


#28 [en] 

ps. Don't wanna be the annoying one here but we are open to donations for prizes since for us it was allot of work to get those crystals and such. I myself don't even think we need prizes but yeah probably just me. Give us some time we haven't yet contacted the event team we just decided to redo it again this year yesterday.


#29 [en] 

* till further notice cancelled for this year (sad since we had most worked out)* 

more info here:


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