
#1 [en] 

Hohoho! Open your doors and hearts wide, for the spirit of Atysmas is to come!

The season of glittering lights, decorated trees, snowhomins and little Rudolphs have come to Atys again. This time, a thick coat of snow is covering the woods of the Verdant Heights and so the elves decided to build their Atysmas village there! But wait... something seems to be missing this year. The elves are somehow confused or worried. What happened?

We want to invite you to the Atysmas village at 6h - Prima, Fallenor 1, 4. AZ 2570* south-west of Yrkanis to join the festivities. Please prepare yourself for a small and maybe a bit dangerous adventure to help the elves.
Of course we want to hear your Atysmas stories, songs and poems on this evening. We're sure the spirit of Atysmas will reward you for your contributions.

Merry Atysmas to all and see you soon!

*) Sonntag 23 Dezember 2012 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt). The first event of the evening will last about one hour and will include fighting but is suitable for all levels. No additional teleporter is needed but make sure that you have the pacts for Yrkanis so you can join the festivities. The story telling will start afterwards.)
Last visit Dienstag 4 Juni 01:16:40 UTC

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