
#301 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Many are indeed coming back... but only with a "wait and see" attitude (while watching the ticker on their Subs run out).

*visions of PR becoming an absolute competitive nightmare*
*visions of Dyron, Fount, Void, etc. blowing up every 2 hours when KT nosedives, due to ovecrowding*
*visions of cultural difficulties... languages aside, just playstyles, really*
*visions of goldfarmers invading Atys* (Dappers for sale! Go to now!)
*visions of grindkings and powermongers and Alt-squadrons playing 24/7 to achieve domination before their peers can achieve squat*

Poor casual players, I say. They will feel the pinch.

You know the ol' sayin', only takes 1 bad apple to spoil the whole barrel.

*visions of way more than 1 bad apple*

But Doom and Gloom aside, I'll be back. Yes, to see what the "new" game brings, but moreso, for what I bring to the game. :)

One thing nobody can take away... and that's me spirit. :)


Doom and gloom, even at the height of player activity none of these were huge problems and some are actually intended parts of the game.

PR is SUPPOSED to be competitive, that's why it's all a PvP zone.
Kami Tolerance is SUPPOSED to be something that diggers have to consider, that's why it's there.

Language will only be a problem if we make it that way.

Ok...enough from me. I can feel the top getting ready to come off.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#302 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

No, for I believe a very simple maxim: Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity.

Sometimes the 2 go hand in hand. Ie: someone robbing a cop.



#303 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Change happens everywhere and every day, i was f2p for 8 months before i started a paid account. I work alot and the first thing i do in the morning on my days off is sign in and play for a few hours and the last thing i do almost every night before i go to bed is sign in and play. When I started playing in November i didnt think i would play that long but look 9 months later im freakin hooked :). I know i could have done things differently when i started my first character and with the wipe i can correct those mistakes and come back in beast mode after the wipe. Looking forward to it and hope all the friends i have made along the way will return as well. Magist, pink, boog yall better come back! lol

game on!

#304 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Sorry, Gorran...

I did not mean to worsen your day. :(



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)

#305 Melden | Zitieren[en] 


Doom and gloom, even at the height of player activity none of these were huge problems and some are actually intended parts of the game.

PR is SUPPOSED to be competitive, that's why it's all a PvP zone.
Kami Tolerance is SUPPOSED to be something that diggers have to consider, that's why it's there.

Language will only be a problem if we make it that way.

Server merge is nessesary for ryzom to survive it sounds like, other games have multinational servers that work so i'm sure it can work here eventually. though its going to take alot of planning to make it work for all.

Personally i think a partial wipe could be kind of fun, The kitins invade destroying all stockpiles, dappers lose value, and homins must pick up the pieces. Its part of the Atys story. We need our characters though, and our skills, to start over. Restart all existing homins on one land or even silan if you must. Just as a place to login to, then leave the rest up to homins.

A few suggestions that might make things go easier:
- let homins keep their personal bag inventories if possible. or atleast what they have equiped, plus a few dappers.

- disable outposts for atleast a month so newer players/guilds have a chance to lvl up. maybe by making the kitins take over the outposts making them unusable.

- pricing is not a issue with the market. more access, features, population are.

The complete wipe for the given reasons remind me of a communist purge of ex. intellectuals. getting rid of the older to make way for the newer shooting yourself in the foot in the process.

Older players will outpace newer ones regardless of whether they are chopped down to same size. And newer players miss the oportunity to enjoy a game with other fresh players.

Mass genocide does not sound like fun. However restarting after a kitin plague with only whats on our backs, and our skills sounds like fun.


~~Merchant, Wayfinder, Tracker~~ | G'Morning Atys Music Mix | -

#306 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Mass genocide does not sound like fun. However restarting after a kitin plague with only whats on our backs, and our skills sounds like fun.


#307 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Mass genocide does not sound like fun. However restarting after a kitin plague with only whats on our backs, and our skills sounds like fun.

And maybe the mount (if you didn't flee via teleport the mount would be the fastest way)
The storage space of the mount would of course be empty except for some food/water and maybe some camp fire stuff.


#308 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Mass genocide does not sound like fun. However restarting after a kitin plague with only whats on our backs, and our skills sounds like fun.

I like this one :) Agreed!


Denyria - Swinging an over-sized club since September 2004.

#309 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

For the role players the real exodus is the wipe of what happened on Atys, as we had different evolutions on each server. My character is (still is for a few days) a historian, and became a Filira just for that. After the wipe, he's just ripe for the nuthouse - and/or a kind of fairy tale teller to one of the language-separated communities.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#310 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

[quote=Zehssad (Aniro)]
Mass genocide does not sound like fun. However restarting after a kitin plague with only whats on our backs, and our skills sounds like fun.

Makes more sense than waking up with a new body, amnesia and a starter pack

#311 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

@Yumeroh: Thanks for the news, and thanks for trying to find alternatives to the wipe.

#312 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Lello Folks :)
I think its a good news i mean to devs try do something! What u cry about....about master lvl's, about mats what u get form ops and keep for own use? Its nothing, remember what fan u have of ryzom playtime! I just hope to this rest help game as its help once!
Just dont get one did i need pay for month to join 22th and be there when servers go down?

GoJ on my heart! :)

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Wen (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#313 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Just dont get one did i need pay for month to join 22th and enjoy to rest?

No. You can either successfully take part in one of the events during these two weeks OR subscribe your account to get a starter pack.

In other words:

If you want to get a starter pack...

- Free Accounts need to qualify by completing (not necessarily winning) one event.
- Subscribed (paid) accounts don't need to qualify, they get starter packs on all toons.

Of course you can start fresh without starter pack too.

#314 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

The only starter pack I need is a refugee dagger and refugee light armor. Actually, I don't even need that. I can team up with others and fight the yubo naked and hand to hand.

#315 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Hello atys, its your friendly neighborhood booglywooster. The comments i see here are made by those that have my understanding and respect at any level. you too mag. lol

It is a personal philosophy of mine (and i don't know where it came from. perhaps in my real life i have no choice but to make it true), that even in the most dire circumstance and unfair situations that cause us to fail, falter, weep, and curse; we have been enriched by the experience of it and are better able to improve ourselves. What makes those experiences bearable is that knowledge. Good things are coming if we want them and we are now better prepared to receive them.

The decisions that are being made by the owners and developers are necessary and filled with moral and ethical pitfalls. Any decision made will not please all players. It then becomes paramount to choose the path that will hopefully ensure the franchises survival. That in-turn is a monetary decision fueled by investments made by Real People that stand to lose quite a bit. I don't think its fair to ask anyone to loose their shirt for my toon. (it is argued that my toon is insignificant because i just don't have the time or dedication that others do in theirs) I believe all players are significant and have their place in a dynamic, shifting, and complex society.

There are so many opportunity's here and means of game-play that there is no reason for the game to ever become stagnant again. Even if the presently powerful become and remain powerful again, it should be acknowledged that all players have influence that is not necessarily tied to the best armor, weapons, or even skill training. That unspoken influence is often dealt with screams of "not fair! ticket ticket ban"

If you truly have strength prove it, but remember that not all have honor. Just like the real world that exists inside of this complex virtual society. This game can continue to be a success if you let it.

Last visit Samstag 8 Juni 23:24:10 UTC

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