More variety for mounts?
Yes please!
Atys: Arfur, Dainan, Dominikus, Fitis, Jarnys, Kaarumniex, Olmo, Redishwolf
Arispotle: Teralyn
9 (1)
No thanks!
Atys: Bitttymacod, Magisto, Meagon, Pephorus, Portia, Rollocks, Xemmy
Andere 0
Sich enthalten 4
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#1 [en] 

More mounts, please! Nothing outrageous (though I would like to ride the Raj someday), but some variety WOULD be nice. Maybe add some gnoofs into the mix, or some arana, or maybe even a shalah if its disposition lends itself well to being a beast of transport.

It's a subtle fix that shouldn't take too much coding effort, but can offer variety to newer and older players alike. Your thoughts, comrades?


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn

#2 [en] 

Good idea but I think it doesn't HAVE to be other animals, maybe just some different mektoubs or things you could add to it...
Could be Nice but If you ask me it doesn't have to be à priority , just of they have some time (with The new marauder Town coming they ptobably have à lot of work with designing and coding i guess :p)

#3 [en] 

Good idea but I think it doesn't HAVE to be other animals, maybe just some different mektoubs or things you could add to it...
Could be Nice but If you ask me it doesn't have to be à priority , just of they have some time (with The new marauder Town coming they ptobably have à lot of work with designing and coding i guess :p)

None of my ideas are priorities. ;-)


"What doesn't kill me gives me XP. :-p" -Sherkalyn

#4 [en] 

Sorry Dainan, It's not that none of your Ideas are not priorities, and you may feel slighted by what you percieve as resistance to change by those that have been here a long time, but that is not the case at all. I have only been here about a year. I am not a master at anything, nor a noobie either. I have had some good ideas too i think, but after listening to many in Ryzom, I realize there are already 247,478,365,715,987 Ideas ahead of mine, and probably some pretty good ones! If You read up on the History of Ryzom (If you haven't yet) and understand their historic instability as a game, then you will understand why a lot of the ideas haven't been implemented yet, There is a limited Developement team, and lots for them to do.
Recently they had an update with some new Ideas implemented that players wanted, so it does happen, even if at a snails pace.
Personally i would like to see more events, such as what happened recently at the 'Marauders meeting.' That was fun.
Changes do happen, be patient

#5 [en] 

More mounts, please! Nothing outrageous (though I would like to ride the Raj someday), but some variety WOULD be nice. Maybe add some gnoofs into the mix, or some arana, or maybe even a shalah if its disposition lends itself well to being a beast of transport.

It's a subtle fix that shouldn't take too much coding effort, but can offer variety to newer and older players alike. Your thoughts, comrades?

Um.... nah. I dont even ride the mek. I rather see a possibility to exchange full packers.

#6 [en] 

Untill the game implements changes so that we can actually ride mounts without them dying constantly or give us the ability to rez them I see little purpose in expanding something that is so rarely use.
Last visit Mittwoch 5 Juni 16:01:30 UTC

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