Kitin Patrols

One thing that I don't believe was taken into consideration in this thread is the influence of the "modern" trend of carrying 3-4 alts after you. KTs are probably useful as challenge in such situation. Maybe would be useful to finetune this "feature" like disabling "on follow" function in the q250 PR or at least not allowing healing functions for free accounts in the same areas. Just suggestions, maybe there are better ways.

"if you cannot" do this and that is, sorry to say, convenient cheap rhetoric. Attempting to infuriate opponent and hack the thread into flaming. Let's stick to the technical discussion please ok?:)

I would also go back in time a little some 9 years ago when our all guild was just getting their first masters. We went for Psykokoo. Like always there were people more or less skilled in sneaking in our bunch. It took us some 2 wipes and about an hour to reach the boss spot. There was a lot of lack of experience and the resists/HP of 1 master people. We have a good laugh each time we remember it. I see nowadays Silan full of people. That's a really good sign for the game. Now if these people make guilds of their own without oldies, they may have a pretty frustrating experience after 2-3 months of effort to get their masters. After 2-3 DPs and an hour of effort plus the fight with the boss we were sweaty and happy 9 years ago, they will be empty handed and irritated. Is that a good thing?

I am just trying to see the issue on all sides and make the difference between "hard" and "annoying". Current aggro is already a challenge but can be a lot finetuned, not enough animals respond to specific damage types for example, and also there is not much advantage from using kitin and quadruped aiming stanzas, maybe these can get an extensive use.Apart from Kil's solution that seems reasonable depending on implementation I'd add: make it hard, ok, but make it clever.
Zeige Thema
Last visit Donnerstag 13 Juni 15:06:44 UTC

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