Respawn Point At GoC: Make it a reality:

Wow... lotta words but little to the point of the matter.No great mystery here ....   Why does every 250 region have a spawn point except one ?  And if there is not a specific reason for having it that way, what is it ?  So far, not seen that put forward.  "Daddy, why didn't I have a birthday cake for my birthday, my brother and sister did ?"  "Well ya brother and sister's birthdays are in winter and the candles keep the house warm, yours is in the summer and the candles will heat up the house to much."1.  TP... not the same, respawns are free.2.  Ranger tunnel / portal is not a respawn therefore off topic.  It was, to my reading, used to indicate a potential sit ... just as well cuda said "near the big thingy"3.  Respawns are available to all... so factions and ranger tunnels  have no relevance to the conversation.  here wa have in insytance of one person "violently in agreeement" with another.4.  There are respawns in 250 regions are at portals, so what ?  I would assume that the location could be there **if folks wanted to adhere to consistency** but consistency doesn't have to be a hobgoblin ... up near Eastgrove works, Highgrove too.  My take the suggestion is in no way focused on the location, just that people who like to hang in GoC are at a disdvantage.5.  But that's a big part of Ryzom for many, why does every proposal have to be shot down because it doesn't maintain an advantage one has or eliminates a disadvanatge someone else has.  I don't hang in forest, my least fav region in game ... but I sure love having my respawn points, in Scorched Corridor, Void and Loria.  For the folks who like hanging in GoC, they pay the same subscription rate as me so if they feel shortchanged, adding one is fine with me.  What reason could I have for denying a feature(one I enjoy and take advantatge of almost daily) to other player(s) ?  When i started playing, "deathports" were the only way to travel ... why should those who want to deathport to GoC be the only ones denied ?   Nostalgia moment ... "Please kill me, I want to go to Dyron"5.  Mostly disappointed with the  snarky "it wasn't my idea" or ""it doesn't benefit me so I'm against it" comments.    I have no interest in this issue whatsoever, but I don't feel that every change in game has to be about me; if it is of value to a significant portion of the population and it helps keep them here (subs down 13% this quarter, people), I'm for it.   Who is harmed in any way, shape or form ?  And if ya not harmed, WTH put all that time and effort into arguing against it ?   This "deal with it" mindset is historically uncharacteristic of the Ryzom community ... something Ryzom always used to be noted for."Daddy, all the kids at the bus stop have raincoats, can I have one to ? ... my clothes are still wet from this morning" ... "Ahhhh.. deal with it !"


Zeige Thema
Last visit Mittwoch 12 Juni 09:09:17 UTC

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