Respawn Point At GoC: Make it a reality:

...This proves that there is no consistency. Also the Dyron example.
Nothing against removing such respawn point :) There is more of those I would remove, not just Dyron or Thesos.

Well then; if you want Lore to come first and our game to rot abiding by an arbitrary Lore that you people chop up and try to make it fit to your interests while prohibiting actual change; I have nothing else to say. (The bible has said enough about the Lore and how many interest groups here have chopped the game lore to make it fit their "idealized" scenarios)
Eh... what? I said I want changes to follow and fit the lore. And more, that changes should come from the lore. But by you I will be evil dragon eating Atys soon. Or what. ???

Finally; just because you don't see any reason not to; that doesn't actually mean that there is no reason.
But by me you didn't bring any serious one to make such change.

The reasons are there plain as day. Some areas have Respawn Points that shouldn't have by any criterion u can imagine, and some others do not. That's a fact. Your personal belief in the matter doesn't have anything to do with the facticity of the situation.
And who do you talk for here? Or is all also just your personal belief as well? By me you didn't gave me any reasons to turn me into support your proposal. Only such that bring more inconsitencies you criticize (rangers doing ressurection on tunnel) and those that are not valid (other zones have it, there are other inconsistencies, I would like it).

As such I am asking, and super reasonably, to make everything harmonious, or provide an argument, why that's not the case, aside from excuses. And since respawn points are Game-Play related; mechanics related; stick to that.
??? did we change topic or what? I told you why your arguments are wrong:
- Rangers are not HP and do not (usually) provide ressurection
- Tunnel to Silan is not portal (so it will bring even more inconsiztences)

And I am also telling you other reasons from my personal view, like that I don't think there really exist any good reason why we need more respawn points. I represent myself here (and not anyone else as you try to speculate). No wonder all this is my personal opinion then...
And since you dared to bring this point to me: "most of ideas around sounds only like "i am lazy" to me. No offense, but it really looks like most of you only look for advantages for no reason."

We are not lazy; on the contrary; me and everyone who started and promoted actual disussions on various issues that bug us; are the contrary of lazy. Game play wise we have dugged the most sups; so much so we have lost the will to hunt them; the best gear; so much so that we promoted ideas to actual use it instead of letting it rot;participated and finished the top of the top-end content. We just want change to occur so we are not bored. And we want justifications and transparency

So respectfully, do me a favor and reserve your "lazy" and "advantages for no reason" discussion someplace else. Let those who actually have not been lazy have the last word on game play issues; and put your lazy talk on the lore thread.

K thanks
Tell me, you master, how many materials do i have to dig and how many experiences do I have to gain before I can dare to disagree with you? Yeah, that was personal. But you obviously take it personally from the beginning so... I can't help myself not to poke you :)

While I seem to be lazy for you, I have nothing else to say. But that will not change my mind in that you didn't bring any serious reasons to add another respawn point to ranger camp in GoC. And I don't see anything wrong on saying that I think some features seem to be only "advantages for nothing". Ok, you are not lazy. Whats the problem respawn on teleport or run back from other respawn point?

You only repeat everything again and again and susspect me to being a terrorist willing doom of Atys or what.
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