Respawn Point At GoC: Make it a reality:

...they are higher powers after all; and the rangers ofc fall beneath them.
Not sure I understand. Rangers are no high powers.

Also I didn't read the memo were it was stated that we have to thank the rangers for opening the passage to silan; where is that stated?
Totally dont understand what this have to do with respawn point in GoC.

And by the same token; why do we have a respawn point in Almati; at the ranger camp? Because it has "an entrance"? It doesn't connect to anything either. And there are rangers there too...Or there the rangers have a magical powers of resurrection but not elsewhere? Oo
Because there is a portal that leads to other ecosystem (prime roots). Same as with all other portals. The reason why Rangers have camp right at the entry... try to guess.

b) I wasn't talking about silan; I was talking about Yrk/Pyr/Zora/FH. The respawn points there are put simply for convention. Convention again.
So newbies have at least 1 respawn point when they arrive to ML?

c) Which q250 area has no respawn point? Again: Game play importance first.
I didn't say anything about zone levels. I am saying, that there are respawn points on portals leading to other ecosystems. Region without such portal has no respawn points. With some exceptions like major cities.

And also this argument bears no merit; just because other areas don't have respawn points; that doesn't mean they shouldn't have. By all tokens and criteria: WoM and EI should have respawn points if we abide by the "connecting criterion". (Examples at the top of my head) Yet they do not? So where is the consistency in that?
Consistency is that there are respawn points on portals leading to other ecosystems. And just because other areas do have respawn points that doesn't mean they GoC should have it.

And it's this crappy "deal with it mentality" just to argue for the sake of arguing in favor of a dogmatism that doesn't allow for changes to occur is the point of all the posts.
Call it however you want. True is I think the game should be more hardcore, focus more on roleplay and most of ideas around sounds only like "i am lazy" to me. No offense, but it really looks like most of you only look for advantages for no reason.

If by highlighting the inconsistencies and by employing solid argumentation and counter-examples is not welcomed here; or is only met by "The rangers x" then I do not even want to argue anymore.

Who are the Rangers to dictate game play fundamentals; who are kamis; maros; and karas for that matter?

Game mechanics first; the lore can always be justified with whatever u want it to.
Lore first. Game mechanics can always be justified with whatever u want it to.

Especially given the inconsistencies I just pointed out in my examples.
No you bring inconsitences. The consistency is respawn point on portal leading to other ecosystem provided by High powers. You want rangers to provide such work on tunnel. Nothing like that on other place on Atys. THe exception is, from what I understand, is Oflovak's road where high powers do not provide any help and rangers have to care about ressurection themselves.

So I ask again: Give GoC a respawn point; unless the Dev Team or those responsible provide with an argument that makes sense why it shouldnt have one. (And the connecting argument doesn;t work as It was highlighted with my WoM and EI example). It seems to me the placements or some of them; are completely arbitrary. If so; then; make arbitrary placements there as well.
And I say not until there is reason to. And, by me, you didn't bring any yet.
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Last visit Dienstag 11 Juni 17:47:37 UTC

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